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    posted message: After our meeting yesterday, I decided to look deeper into WGU. According to the Online Education Database, WGU's graduation rate is 22% (http://oedb.org/rankings/graduation-rate). The UWP 4 year graduation rate is somewhere around 38% (and the lowest in the UW system). According to a WGU-conducted survey of their graduates, 65% got a raise, promotion, or new job responsibility as a result of their WGU degree (http://www.wgu.edu/about_WGU/graduate_success). I could not find statistics on the internet for UW-Parkside, but a UW-Stout survey of graduates found a 98% placement rate. While statistics can be misleading, these numbers indicate that the WGU model may not benefit the targeted students as much as advertised.
    posted message: Today's meeting was great. I would like to know if an option is considered that UW- system sponsors the Flexible Degree, and gets a consortia of its universities which could each contribute some courses. The campus which can offer the most courses for a particular degree would give the degree. It appears to me that it would be reasonably easy to set up several courses at Parkside, but to offer an entire degree would be difficult. If other campuses feel the same way, then maybe we should get together with them and find the formula which works.
    posted message: Here's a good debate about open learning and credentialing in the Room for Debate page of the NY Times: Got a Computer? Get a Degree. http://www.nytimes.com/roomfordebate/2012/05/06/got-a-computer-get-a-degree