my name Gabby Quarcoo and im in Ghana but i really like to learn more about IT...
Location: Accra
Standard Set Answer:can u pls teach me more about computer hardware ....
Anyone can follow a study group on P2PU. Participating is the next level of engagement. The sign-up is a space where interested individuals can express their interest and background in the topic and commit to working with the rest of the participants. Please answer the following set(s) of questions if you want to become a participant or organizer.
This set of signup questions is common to all study groups, courses, ... in P2PU. The answers to these questions will be public once you get accepted.
my name Gabby Quarcoo and im in Ghana but i really like to learn more about IT...
Location: Accra
Standard Set Answer:can u pls teach me more about computer hardware ....
Location: Bloomington, Indiana
Standard Set Answer:I hope to learn more about incorporating digital writing in my classroom.
Professor Emeritus of English Education, University of Minnesota
Location: Minneapolis, MN
Standard Set Answer:I'm currently co-authoring a book on uses of iPad and iPhone apps for fosternig learning with literacy with David O'Brien we hope to publish as an iBook. We're interested in how those affordances of uses of apps serve to foster information accessing, reading, writing, discussion, images, audio/video, games/simulation, and reflection to learn. This entails going beyond just more recommendation for a cool app to determining how uses of an app in the classroom serve to foster literacy learning, particularly in terms of acquiring disciplinary literacies across the curriculum.
I hope to gain some useful theoretical and research perspectives on how digital tools mediate literacy learning in terms of the affordances of those tools. I'd also really life recommendations or descriptions of people using apps in the classroom for potential inclusion in our book.
Yet another sentient being dwelling in the interstices between creativity and knowledge, continuity and drift, anonymity and public scholarship
Location: U.S.
Standard Set Answer:I've been following some of these discussions, and wanted to join as a participant, despite not being sure if I will have much to add. I agree that digital writing and inquiry has characteristics different from other types of publishing, and I am interested especially in the possibilities for more collaborative, participatory, and elective models of learning (vs competitive, passive, and coercive). I also want to know more about open-source knowledge tools...
I'm am instructional coach in Aurora, Colorado, and a participant in Cohort 2 of the NWP Literacy in the Common Core project.
Location: Denver, CO
Standard Set Answer:Having taught middle school literacy in a 1-to-1 environment, I see the use of tech tools to support learning in a variety of contexts as a very important thing. Sometimes I think it is a moral imperative, sometimes I think it is a gigantic experiment where we need to celebrate failure as much as success. I hope to learn from the discourse and contribute to the discourse. I also hope to create ties with the participants so I might call on their expertise even after the course ends.
I probably won't be able to help right now with the organization of the group.
A teacher who loves to inspire students to read,write, and think passionately.
Location: San Diego, CA
Standard Set Answer:I am interested in this topic because I am exploring digital writing and its impact on student motivation and writing skills with a particular focus on EL learners.
I hope to build upon a network of teachers and writers who will inspire me to try new things in my classroom and participate in discussions that will stretch my thinking.
It is a little late in the game probably to help with the study group organization, but I would be glad to help in anyway that is needed by the group.
Location: beirut
Standard Set Answer:Bio:
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Standard Set Answer:I've spent many years working on the Internet and many years working as a writer, and always looking for ways to bring the two together. I'll be teaching a writing course in the summer.
Have a zillion stories to tell. Want to write. Need to write. No time to write. Ugh!
Location: West Palm Beach, FL
Standard Set Answer:I've always been interested in this topic. I rewrite and edit other people's bad writing for a living -- but I don't write about the things I want to write about. What I hope to achieve is a renewed passion for creative writing. Maybe I can jumpstart the ol' cranium into meaningful production again. Not sure I'd be helpful with study groups -- I haven't "studied" anything in 30 years.
Location: Saudia Arabia
Standard Set Answer:1. I became interested in this site because it was better laid out than others and it offered more possibilities for learning for my students.
2. If I learn anything then it will be worth my effort. Hope to make friends, participate in discussions and just basically get in touch with others.
3. Not sure what a study group is but have some idea. Organizing is a possibility.
I am a graduate of Texarkana College and Texas A&M University-Texarkana. The concentration of the undergraduage degree is in Journalism/English, and the graduate degree in Adult education/English. I have taught English dual credit, and AP Honors.
Location: Texas
Standard Set Answer:I love the learning process and know that tested ideas have already taken place in classrooms. My interest in noting the instructional processes—for greater focus in digital writing techniques that utilizing tested applicable models—allowing enhanced teaching methods or ideas to progress this type of writing within several venues.
I would like to see a networking team of instructors’ solidify digital working applications that inspire writers, students and instructors, in and outside the classroom. I would like to see links and or websites that support the findings of the professionals that take part in this study.
If help is needed in the group organization, I will be glad to assist in this venture.
Location: Jasper, Arkansas, USA
Standard Set Answer:My goals for participating:
8th Grade ELA Teacher Dover Plains MS.
Location: Dover Plains, NY
Standard Set Answer:I am in interested in this topic for many reasons. It seems that in this new "digital" world, writing and inquiry are becoming more and more inextricably linked than ever before. Evaluating sources, taking a stance and communicating ideas are all skills that will be critical for a productive member of our future society.
I am hoping to be able to find best practices and supporting resources to help make some of this a reality for me and my students.
Location: Michigan
Standard Set Answer:I became interested in this topic because I am a NWP teacher consultant and I love digital tools and digital tool resources!
I hope to achieve more resources for writing and using digital writing in my classroom.
If the study group needs help with organization, I will do what is needed of me to help!
Standard Set Answer:I'm interested in the ways digital writing and learning intersect with teaching and learning--for students and for teachers. I hope to leave with some new ideas and inspiration for both my classroom and my writing project.
Location: Kansas City, MO
Standard Set Answer:I'm interested in the topic because I want to think more about digital writing and writing instruction. I hope to achieve some deeper understanding of how to teach writing and conduct professional development more effectively. I am not interested in helping with organization -- sorry.
I am a second grade teacher for a very rural district in Michigan.
Location: Michigan
Standard Set Answer:I participated in the Chippewa River Writing Project (CRWP) in Michigan where Troy Hicks is the director. I have learned so much about digital writing and have tried to impliment digital writing into my second grade classroom. I look forward to learning more about how to be a great writing teacher and transfer it to digital writing.
I'm an elementary education student at CMU.
Location: Michigan
Standard Set Answer:I'm interested in this topic because I am hoping to learn skills that I will be able to use in my future classroom.
Engaging or enraging at Western Kentucky University since 2004 as an instructor in writing and literature and as a tech liaison for WKUWP.
I have just finished working with an intern on blogging and just completed a summer tech academy for the Kentucky Writing Project.
I raise sheep with my wife on a 50 acre farm in Hart County, KY on the sometimes wild and wooly Bacon Creek. I love poetry, online classes and gardening.
Location: Cave Country, KY
Standard Set Answer:I am pushing an extremely reluctant student body to become digital writers in a much broader context that embraces their informal writing (text, twitter, FB)but expands their compositional chops to include summarization, critique, analysis, and synthesis in an academic context. For example, I am pushing students to use digital bookmarking and annotations (Diigo) to move from web page to all digital production of summary, critique, and I-Search research papers.
I want to share what I am discovering, I want to see what others are doing, I want to know what others think about my efforts, and I want to collaborate with others on projects that will incorporate what we discover in the 'class' into a shared project.
I don't know what the question means by study group organization but I would be happy to explore the many ways of collaborating that are being created every day. For example, I love the cool visuality of the corkboard metaphor sites like and pegby and their many ilk. I would love to help in that area.
Fifth grade. Red Cedar Writing Project. Pirates, not ninjas. MMOs, not first person shooters. I believe if you're going to eat ice cream, it's just a little silly to try and make it low calorie, and if you can't sing well, you can still sing loudly.
Location: MI
Standard Set Answer:I'm interested in thinking about and investigating the future of writing in a digital world. I feel like I am teaching at a really transitional time, and the "rules" for teaching writing and teaching writers are shifting. I struggle to see ahead to where the shift is taking both individuals and society. Some clarity of vision is necessary for me, because I need to help prepare my young writers for that future...but I'm not always sure how.
I hope to have a better sense of balance between what may be the enduring threads that tie all writing and writing instruction (the "timeless" pieces) and the kind of work that will make my young writers adaptable to ever-changing technologies, so they are prepared to make the most of new opportunities.