posted message: I would like to say good luck to all of you in this venture, and hope that you found or learned something useful through this. I know I have and it was fun doing it! Take care and here is to new beginnings... JW
posted message: I've just added a link to a great website explaining about a key word, REST/FUL. I do apologize for not introducing this sooner, but all articles, examples and definitions tend to lead me out of the loop and into finding out what some words meant in their explanations that it just ended being thrown off completely. But not until I found this website. It is easy to understand for the pure fact there is little jargon and more simple terms. I don't know about you, but if I am going to learn something new, tell me as if I am a 4 year old ;) The link is located on the External Link panel. Check it out and see if it helps... Ciao, JW
posted message: I've added another link to refer to the basic commands with more examples and detail.
posted message: One thing I would like to point out is Rails for Zombies is based on using the console utility to learn more on the app model part of RoR. It is FREE! So, for those who have not yet look into it, please do...
posted message: I've added "Things to Remember" in the task panel and "Test Editor for Regular Expressions in Ruby" in the external link panel. The first is a list of important steps that are subtle when developing in RoR, and the other is on-the-fly testing on Ruby strings. Feel free to put additions, comments and modifications.
posted message: I just added a task for everyone who is interested to add to the beginners quick reference guide. I've added just a few, but this is an example of what I've done knowing all the commands that it takes to use RAILS and all of its utilities. Please feel free to share by adding. I hope by the end of schedule, we will have a well-documented reference guide. The format is , please use this format for consistency.
posted message: Supplemental reading recommended: Free and Easy just what I like!!! Will be posted on the links panel for easy access.
posted message: To all followers - I will start Tuesday in helping anyone who are confronted with problems installing either/both Ruby and Rails on their computer. If you are following and are thinking of participating, this is the right time to join... I am looking forward to study and help fellow learner....