This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

List of participant blogs [May 5, 2011, 4:48 p.m.]

Please add a link to your blog below (all participants can edit this page - for network members, you should be able to post it to the wall, or just send me a message). If you have a blog where you also talk about a lot of things not relevant to this course, please give us a feed for a category or tag, for example for my WordPress blog, I would use

You can see all the feeds from this class on Netvibes. I will add new blogs added to this page, to Netvibes as well. For people who are network participants and want to blog/contribute to this course, use the tag csclintro. If your blog doesn't show up in the blogsearch on Netvibes, tweet the URL with the hashtag #csclintro.