10. Course Badges

OpenEd Overview Badge

For each course topic:

  • Watch the topic video,
  • Skim the topic readings, and
  • Write a short blog post summarizing what you’ve learned about the topic, why you think the topic is important, and how it relates to you personally.

Then write a final post in which you:

  • Link to each of the posts you wrote above,
  • Summarize the most interesting and important things you've learned, and
  • Announce your belief that you have completed the badge.

Then submit the link to this final post below.

OpenEd Researcher Badge

In order to earn this badge, complete the following activities for three (3) of the course topics:

  • Carefully read all of the topic readings.
  • Find three additional scholarly resources (peer-reviewed articles, book chapters, etc.) and five other resources (videos, readings, podcasts, etc.) that provide additional information relevant to the topic.
  • Write a blog post linking to the additional resources and summarizing the new material contained in each.
  • Write a blog post proposing a research study by which key assumptions of the topic could be (in)validated. Don’t worry about identifying specific participants, etc. Describe what you believe would be the ideal research setting, participants, data collection, and analysis methodologies.

When you've completed the above set of activities for three (3) of the course topics, write a final blog post linking to your previous three posts and announcing your belief that you have completed the badge. Then submit the link to this blog post below.

Open Advocate Badge

In order to earn this badge:

  • Identify an opportunity to advocate for open policy locally. This could be with a school board member, an administrator at your university, your state legislator, congressman, or anyone else in a position to make relevant policy.
  • Construct an argument by which you could persuade your policy maker to adopt an open policy. Write a blog post describing your argument in detail so we can give you feedback on it.
  • Arrange to have a conversation with your policy maker, and do your best to persuade them to adopt an open policy.
  • Write a blog post describing your conversation and the reactions, responses, counterarguments, and concerns of the policy maker expressed and announce your belief that you have completed the badge.

Then submit the link to this final post below.


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