Introduce yourself and make yourself comfortable

Welcome to the community!

  1. If you haven't done so, take a minute to sign up for the course
  2. Say "Hi!" in the comments below. Tell us about yourself and/or the wireless sensor network projects of your dreams. If you provide a picture or a link it is even better.
  3. Help us in improving the course and growing the community.

Stay in touch

There are different in which we can stay in touch. There are comments at the end of every page. These are ideal to post links to blogs entries, images and videos with your own version of the labs.

We have a mailing list, a forum and a blog

Use the twitter hashtag #handsonWSN .

Create or particiapte in a local group: Barcelona .

During workshops we will be at the freenode #handsonwsn IRC channel.

Activity If you haven't done so, introduce yourself in the comments.


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