Flip the Switch: Publish and Get Going

Your Tasks

  • Publish your course
  • Enlist a peer learning army to promote your course

Flip the Switch!

In your course under "Settings"-->"Course Status" go ahead and select "Publish." BOOM! You are ready to go!

Make Some Noise About It

We're here to help you get the word out about your ridiculously sweet course. A few ways to get started with promotion:

  • Alert the Community. Post the URL to your course on Discourse under "Learning" http://thepeople.p2pu.org/
  • Write a blog post: Get in touch with Bekka to get a post up on our Blog.
  • Publicize locally. We recommend getting in touch with people who like to learn, so Makerspaces, Coworking spaces, recreation centers and coffee shops are all good spots to put up a flyer.


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