This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

Wk 1-Introductions

Welcome to this learning group! Our purpose here is to look at online portfolios as a personal learning tool for teachers.

Introduce yourself here. Tell a little about why you're interested in this group and what you'd like to learn, talk about, and do in our time together.

If you'd like, you can make a short video for your introduction or you can post a written comment.

A group of us are helping facilitate this discussion, as well as learning with the group, including:

  • Karen Fasimpaur
  • Liz Renshaw
  • Jonas Backelin
  • Joe Dillon
  • (others to be added)


We'll introduce ourselves here as well. :)

Task Discussion

  • fotologic   June 16, 2012, 1:16 p.m.

    Hi, I'm Jon Nicholls and I work at a large comprehensive state school in Greenwich, South East London. I am interested in the notion that all teachers should maintain an ePortfolio (embracing a variety of content curated on the web) as part of their professional responsibilities. I am using ePortfolios with my students (in media and photography) and I have experienced their many benefits. Many more students are arriving in my classes with competent web literacies but many more need support. I have some colleagues who make very creative use of a wide range of web based resources and make some attempt to share them with others, but they are in the minority. I would like to learn more about how colleagues from around the globe are creating, remixing and sharing their knowledge and skills.