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Text Editors

was planning to use notepad++ just because I have heard it before and not having an idea of what an IDE is, might have downloaded eclipse once.

Learning Objectives

  • Describe several benefits of using a programming text editor .
  • Identify one or more programming text editors that run on your Operating System.
  • Describe the concept/benefits of using an Integrated Development Environment.
  • Identify some similaritites and differences between a Programming Text Editor and an Integrated Development Environment.
  • List at least one Integrated Development Environment that runs on your Operating System.
  • Choose a programming text editor and/or Integrated Development tool to use during this course.
  • Describe why you chose your current programming tool and share this description with the class.


For the purpose of this course, you may use the IDLE development tool that ships with Python.

Mac users: Please read these instructions to make sure that your system has IDLE installed.

Libre/Open Source programming tools

This is a list of Free/Open Source text editors with Python compatibility.

Task Discussion

  • Davysson Silva said:

    - Describe several benefits of using a programming text editor.

    Using a programming text editor make your code more easy to understand by adding features such as indentation and syntax highlighting.

    - Identify one or more programming text editors that run on your Operating System.

    Three programming text editor that run on my operating system(ubuntu 12.04) are Geany, gEdit, IDLE

    Describe the concept/benefits of using an Integrated Development Environment.

    The benefits of using a Integrated Development Environment is the possibility of automating many task.

    Identify some similaritites and differences between a Programming Text Editor and an Integrated Development Environment.

    The similarities of text editor and an IDE is syntax formatting, the difference is that the IDE allows you to automate tasks.

    - List at least one Integrated Development Environment that runs on your Operating System.

    NetBeans and Eclipse.

    - Choose a programming text editor and/or Integrated Development tool to use during this course.


    Describe why you chose your current programming tool and share this description with the class.

    Because it's fast and open source.

    on May 21, 2012, 5:49 p.m.
  • Snowcrash said:


    The benifits of using a programming text editor are that you can save it in different steps, and look back to it if you need to. 

    Two programming text editors that run on my operating system (OS X) are text edit, and IDLE.

    The benifits of using an integrated development enviromment  are that, unike a programming text editor, you don't have to do it all on your own. The software provides you with help, and information on what to do. It also debugs your code.

    The similarities of a text editor and an IDE are that a text editor and an IDE let you write code, and look back on what you've done. But, and IDE gives you help, and it a bit easier to use.

    An IDE that runs on my operating system is IDLE.

    During this corse, I will use IDLE to write code.

    I chose this editor because I wanted something free and open source and IDLE is both of those things.

    on May 13, 2012, 10:09 p.m.
  • Andres Kwan said:


    1 Learning Objectives
    1 Describe several benefits of using a programming text editor .
    I'll talk about Emacs which is the one I use.
    - you can use many futures like create your own snippets to speed up your code writing 
    - syntax highlighting 
    - parenthesis matching using colors
    - highlight the current line where the cursor is
    - you can use a console inside the text editor
    - it could highlight syntax errors 
    - auto complete function names.
    2 Identify one or more programming text editors that run on your Operating System.
    - Vim
    - Emacs 
    3 Describe the concept/benefits of using an Integrated Development Environment.
    - Is developed whit the purpose to provide everything that a programmer needs to develop software
    - it could help to increase productivity
    - reduce time invested in development
    - you can add tools that could help to use a specific library or language related featured
    - integrated debugger 
    4 Identify some similaritites and differences between a Programming Text Editor and an Integrated Development Environment.
    - similarities:
    -- syntax highlighting 
    -- auto complete function names and variables.
    - differences
    -- IDE 
    --- focus on the language, which is an advantage
    --- less time used in configuration  
    --- integration 
    List at least one Integrated Development Environment that runs on your Operating System.
    - Eclipse PyDev
    - ninja ide
    - IDLE
    - Gedit
    Choose a programming text editor and/or Integrated Development tool to use during this course.
    - I'm going to use Emacs, but I'm going to use PyDev, eclipse has nice futures too and is wide supported
    Describe why you chose your current programming tool and share this description with the class.
    - Emacs, because it has been my working tool for a while, I know that could be tricky at times, but 
    once you set it right is a fantastic tool.
    on May 9, 2012, 11:17 p.m.
  • motorjunky2000 said:

    • Benefits of using a programming text editor.

      • text editors provide methods to move and duplicate text within a file or between files.
      • text editors provide basic formating features.
    • Benefits of using an IDE.

      • There is integration between the text editor, compiler, build system, and debugger.
    • Similarities / Differences between a programming text editor and an IDE.

      • Both generally provide basic text editing features whereas an IDE also provides more advanced features integrated with the text editor such as debugging.
    • one IDE that runs on my system.

      • IDLE

    I will be using IDLE to complete the coursework tasks here because it is a quick and easy way to begin learning Python since I am new to programming.

    on May 8, 2012, 10:58 p.m.
  • Carl Burkart said:

    • Describe several benefits of using a programming text editor .

    syntax highlighting, line numbers, bracket matching

    • Identify one or more programming text editors that run on your Operating system.

    I will usually use gedit because I am familiar with it.

    • Describe the concept/benefits of using an Integrated Development Environment.

    IDEs are more resource heavy, but they have several features like code folding and code completion.

    • Identify some similaritites and differences between a Programming Text Editor and an Integrated Development Environment.

    Most text editors and IDEs use basic features like syntax highlighting, but IDEs contain many more features and code documentation that can make programming and documentation easier.  They can also have a steeper learning curve.

    • List at least one Integrated Development Environment that runs on your Operating System.


    • Choose a programming text editor and/or Integrated Development tool to use during this course.

    I will probably use Geany initially, but may try IDLE for more complex projects.

    • Describe why you chose your current programming tool and share this description with the class.

    I chose Geany because it has some features like a built in command line window so that you can see your programs immediatly and is pretty intuitive to use.  It also has command completion and documentation that helps me remember how commands are structured as I code.  Finally, it is intuitive enough that, as a novice, I was able to figure out most of the relevant features without reading the manual or searching the wiki.

    on May 2, 2012, 9:49 p.m.
  • ReadiesCards said:

    • Describe several benefits of using a programming text editor .
    • Identify one or more programming text editors that run on your Operating System.
    • Describe the concept/benefits of using an Integrated Development Environment.
    • Identify some similaritites and differences between a Programming Text Editor and an Integrated Development Environment.
    • List at least one Integrated Development Environment that runs on your Operating System.
    • Choose a programming text editor and/or Integrated Development tool to use during this course.
    • Describe why you chose your current programming tool and share this description with the class.

    * syntax highlighting

    * I use Textpad

    * built in compliation, debugging, project file management

    * Borland CBuilder

    * I will use Textpad with a Python plugin

    * Textpad has multi-line regular expression search and replace across file directories that is very useful and when I last look was not supported in Notepad++.  As I am therefore familar with Textpad I will start to use it for Python - but might change :-)

    on April 20, 2012, 4:44 a.m.
  • munkyeetr said:

    • Syntax highlighting, code completion, auto indentation.
    • vi, emacs, geany, gedit, sublimetext2
    • Project organization, auto build/compile/run features, integrated debugging tools
    • Both give you a tool to write source code (text editor) and an IDE gives extra tools for workign with source code and larger projects.
    • codeblocks, eclipse, idle
    • I was regularily using geany, but have recently switched to sublimetext, so I imagine I will be using one of those two
    • Rich set of plugins, block folding, easy scrolling, easy to use.
    on April 16, 2012, 7:48 p.m.
  • pannix said:

    • The benefits of a text editor are auto-indentation, bracket-matching and syntax highlighting
    • Editors for my OS (Mac OS X and Ubuntu): vi, gedit and Bluefish
    • The benefits of an IDE include those of a text editor plus code completion, manuals, class browser, creating projects and building, running and debugging your code.
    • IDE for my OS: PyDev and Ninja IDE
    • I think I will stick with vim for this course.
    • I am getting used to vim, I will be working in the shell anyway, and an IDE is overkill for single scripts. Might give Ninja IDE a try though.
    on April 16, 2012, 10:10 a.m.
  • Elijel said:

    • The benefit of using text editor or IDE is that it makes development faster because of automatic syntax correction and can spot errors right away
    • I have a notepad++  currently installed
    • I have netbeans for my IDE and tried MSoft Express Studio before.
    • Text editors are purely text editing, lighter and faster to run/load up. IDE's can handle more complex programming languages all-in-one and some have GUI development capabilities that comes handy.
    • I use IDLE for simplicity and comparison with my existing notepad++
    • It was advised in the Python community to better use IDLE for fast installation and running the program.
    on March 15, 2012, 12:34 p.m.
  • Nicolas Figueroa said:

    Using a text editor provides the programmer tools like autoformat,code highlighting ,error check

    The editors that run on my OS (Win 7) : Notepad++, Notepad

    Using an IDE provides tools like proyect, package explorer, debugging, test on various versions error highligting, library checking and library auto-import.

    IDES that run on my OS : Netbeans, AptanaStudio 3, Eclipse, pyDev,IDLE.

    I've been using  IDLE because s light and a good way to learn how to program properly, some IDES do everything for you like netbeans (while programming with JAVA) 

    on March 13, 2012, 9:44 p.m.
  • Pablo said:

    Text editor: gEdit

    IDE: IDLE for both 2.7 and 3.2

    On Windows Notepad++

    on March 7, 2012, 10:55 p.m.
  • thayne said:

    A programming text editor provides benefits such as bracket highlighting/completing, syntax highlighting, and automatic indentation or other formatting.

    Some editors on my operating system are: gvim, emacs, kate.

    An IDE is generally heavier than a text editor and provides further features like, wizards to help you create projects and/or files and to build, run, and debug you code.  They also might have code completion and a class browser.

    Some python IDE's that run on my OS are: eclipse with PyDev, Ninja IDE, IDLE, and NetBeans

    I will use gvim, because it is what I am most familiar with as an editor, though I might try out ninja.

    on March 7, 2012, 10:46 p.m.
  • Anonym said:

    I use Komodo Edit, ST2 and Vim. In the past used Eclipse + PyDev.

    on March 6, 2012, 9:34 a.m.
  • wesley said:


    Editor benefits: bracket matching, auto-indentation, syntax highlighting
    Editors: vim, gedit
    IDE benefits: debug output integration, breakpoints, variable watchlists, debug output capture
    similarities: Text editors support a variety of languages via syntax schemes
    differences: IDE's have tighter integration with the debug environment, usually (but not neccesarily) limited to one or a few languages.
    IDLE is one IDE, NetBeans another. (no IDE's here though)
    gedit, vim and ipython, an enhanced python interactive shell
    my tools allow me to keep my hands on the keyboard. IDE's that make me reach for the mouse are unproductive. Apart from code snippets, I don't need auto-complete for keywords. 
    *edit:* comment editor seems buggy when you paste rich text. Plain text preferred :-)
    on March 2, 2012, 8:32 a.m.
  • E.Mosso said:

    Apparently IDLE doesn't recognize the print command.. So if I type print 4 then enter, it says invalid syntax. Would you know how I can remedy this? Or what program besides IDLE to use?

    on Feb. 28, 2012, 3:24 p.m.

    Brylie Oxley said:

    Print is now a function (as of Python 2.7+). Try this:

    print("Hello World!")

    on March 1, 2012, 12:18 p.m. in reply to E.Mosso
  • blanco_fam said:

    Using the IDLE text Editor

    on Feb. 18, 2012, 5:21 a.m.
  • nowhere said:

    vim,gvim for me in linux, pyde in windows

    on Feb. 10, 2012, 9:31 a.m.
  • Matt Meneghini said:

    gEdit and GNU Nano for me

    on Feb. 10, 2012, 2:47 a.m.
  • Seun Sanni said:

    Started learning python with the command line and IDLE already.. so ima just continue with that

    im learning html with Komodo and notepad ++, those are compatible with python too. More options for me

    on Feb. 9, 2012, 2:23 p.m.