Hi Nick,
Honestly I'm a bit floored by the question. 3 weeks ago I offered a project and expressed exactly this offer for collaboration and in return I had the overwhelming sound of crickets come back to me. Sound of Silence! Thank you Simon and Garfunkel.
Anyway, I've since changed and refined a concept that I'm happier with, so maybe that was good but because this group has turned out to be so dead! I went outside of the group to find help! I thankfully found a programmer who happens to be one of the Seneca College students working on the Butter.js stuff with David Humphreys - name is David Seifreid. Context: I'm a filmmaker, musician, interactive producer - I design (HTML, CSS, baby steps HTML5) but javascript is not my thing, I'm here to learn but to realize my new idea I need to 'customize' popcorn.js to work with another jquery template I'm basing the concept around. I need PROGRAMMING HELP.
The idea I'm working on comes out of my contacts that lead to Clarence Clemons and Bruce Springsteen. I've been making videos with Clarence's nephew who plays sax also; he plays with the E stree band sometimes and probably will become Clarence's replacement in the future. Anyway I have a really compelling music/ video concept I want to Popcornify. I don't want to make it look boxy or compartmentalized. I have a fleshed out idea but I NEED A PROGRAMMER/ CODER. David Seifreid at first said YES! and he was pumped about the idea but now two weeks into it he's had to pull out because of the time pressures and duties he has to creating Butter.js So I'm giving this group another shot. I have a cool interactive music video experience I want to make - it's story based not some single song music video. I have an out of the box idea of making it flow / interactive. My needs are in this order:
1. Gung ho programmer - you can adjust popcorn.js to work outside of the 'compartimentalized' look and experience of some of the templates. You also want to get this done pronto - create a compelling prototype - not some 3 month masterpiece that never get's done.
2. Graphic Artist/ Designer - I'd be happy to have anyone come on board to help with the visuals, style and graphic design.
Can we wake this group up! Let's go people. Let's get some fire under our rumps...Let's learn something. Do something. Make people feel something. Let's go!