This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

Synchronous Meetings [May 7, 2012, 1:53 p.m.]

May 7 - May 28

Syncrhonous meetings will take place in Google+, Second Life, Jokaydiagrid and anywhere else that is useful for exploring and developing ARGs.

We will be using SLT ( Second Life Time) which is Pacific Standard Time or San Francisco time. The reason we are refering to that time zone is because when we meet in the virtual world - Second Life, that is time that Second Life software shows. This give us all the same reference point.

We do understand that we have people in multiple zones so we are in process of planning on how we can accomodate as many people as possible for synchronous meetings.

It is not required that you attend the synchronous meetings. But please do join us if you wish. We will post all material from the sessions within 24 hours of the session. We also will have discussions thru P2PU that may go into even more detail than the synchronous session.

Thank you!

May 7 First Meetup in Second Life

Time: 6 pm SLT  (PST - San Francisco) - Note time change please

May 8  The Narrative in Second Life

Time: 6 pm SLT (PST -San Francisco)

May 9 Game Design and Challenges

Time: 7 pm SLT  (PST - San Francisco)

May 10  Tech Tools

Time: 7 pm SLT (PST -San Francisco)

May 12   Week in Review and Overview of Week 2 in Second Life

8 am SLT (PST -San Francisco)

5 pm SLT (PST -San Francisco)