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Preparing for the Class


Although we’re officially starting the class in January 2012, there’s no reason why you can’t start working on your project now.

Here’s some tasks to get you going:

1. Find some topics or issues you feel strongly about-

Think about what causes you would like to support. What interests you? What gets you angry? What makes you happy? What would, for you, make the world a better place? What stories does the world need to know about? Why is it important that you work on this area?

2. Get Connected

To begin with you should get connected to the class and say hello. You can find us on TwitterVimeoFacebookFlickr and subscribe to our updates through a reader and remember to tag your work with the #creativact hashtag so the community can see what you are up to.

One of the important features of this class is networking, both virtually and physically. Start following people who are working in your area of interest- social networks are a good place to start. Have a think about the following questions:

Are there any advocacy groups, collectives, mailing lists, forums or people already working in this area? Are there journalists, artists, campaigners, filmmakers who have tried to address these issues? Are there any groups in your local area you could join?

Start following people who are working in your area of interest- social networks are a good place to start. Start to connect to these people, tweet them and tell them you admire their work, comment on discussion forums, if you can’t find anyone working in your area think about starting a group/blog/discussion forum where you can share your ideas and views

3. Think about what you can achieve and contribute to this area

What would you like to achieve from doing this work? What skills do you have that can help to make this happen (you might be good at bringing people together, you might have technical and creative skills for example). If you could put a dream team together to work on this issue who would it include? Is there an organisation that you could help out?

Think about what resources, people and networks you’ll need access to in order to achieve this. Are there ways you can connect to these? Are there people you can connect to who can help? Don’t be afraid to ask- if you don’t ask you don’t get.

4. Start sharing

Participate in the conversations in your area (that could be posting comments on news sites, contributing to forums, etc etc) Start posting your thoughts and plans and remember to use the #creativact hashtag so everyone can see what you are up to.

5. Help us to spread the word about this project

If you have ideas for how we could promote this project then please get in touch. Connect to our social network sites and start posting using the #creativact hastag, you can also download ourcreative activism poster here

Task Discussion

  • AJC   Jan. 16, 2012, 1:31 p.m.

    Hey there - just so you know the links in the following paragraph point back to the course page. I went here to get all the info:

    2. Get Connected

    To begin with you should get connected to the class and say hello. You can find us on TwitterVimeoFacebookFlickr and subscribe to our updates through a reader and remember to tag your work with the #creativact hashtag so the community can see what you are up to.