
Anyone can follow a study group on P2PU. Participating is the next level of engagement. The sign-up is a space where interested individuals can express their interest and background in the topic and commit to working with the rest of the participants. Please answer the following set(s) of questions if you want to become a participant or organizer.

Standard Set

This set of signup questions is common to all study groups, courses, ... in P2PU. The answers to these questions will be public once you get accepted.

  • What made you interested in this topic?
  • What do you hope to achieve by participating?
  • Are you interested in helping with the study group organization?

Public Custom Set

This set of signup questions is particular to this study group. The answers to these questions will be public once you get accepted.

public set questions - no presure here folks
  1. What is you current CSS background/experience?
  2. What would you like to see offered from this course regarding CSS?
  3. Why do you want to learn CSS?

Between Participants Custom Set

This set of signup questions is particular to this study group. The answers to these questions will be visible to all participants once you get accepted.

participants set questions
feel free to answer the questions you are comfortable with

  1. Why should CSS be stripped from structure?
  2. Why should all CSS be kept in one file?
  3. Which CSS selectors are important to you or the ones you like to use currently?
  4. What do you like the most about CSS2.1 and anything in CSS3?
  5. Are you happy with the new modularization with CSS3 implementations?
  6. When was the last -or even first- time you actually read the W3 CSS specs?


  • Anonym   July 9, 2012, 6:48 p.m.



    Standard Set Answer:

    1. Web Design

    2. Design web applications

    3. No comment

    Public Set Answer:
  • Peter Dowse   July 3, 2012, 10:58 p.m.


    The director of Marketeam an Australian Joomla Web Dev and SEO company. Public Speaker on SEO, Online Marketing and Web Junky

    Location: Brisbane

    Standard Set Answer:


    What made you interested in this topic?
    I would like to know more about CSS so I can create better websites more quickly. 
    What do you hope to achieve by participating?
    A deeper understanding of css
    Are you interested in helping with the study group organization?
    Depends on what's involved....but mostly am always happy to help where I can.
    Public Set Answer:


    What is you current CSS background/experience?
    I build Joomla websites and have a basic/medium understanding of CSS
    What would you like to see offered from this course regarding CSS?
    Structure and projects to complete with timelines to keep me on track. 
    Why do you want to learn CSS?
    To build kick-arse websites!
  • Matt   July 1, 2012, 5:39 p.m.


    Location: California

    Standard Set Answer:

    What made you interested in this topic?

    The topic that drew me to P2PU was groups on web design and development. My interest in these areas has been growing along with my realization of the importance of these tools; they're tools used to create, manipulate, and present content/data to a worldwide audience, and like any tools, becoming proficient in their use is the key to success.


    What do you hope to achieve by participating?

    I hope to achieve a better understanding of the tools I'm interested in, as well as those that are important to my area of interest even though I might never actually use them. I also hope to have fun and partake in group experiences so that I can not only learn from/with others, but also so that others can learn from/with me as well.

    Are you interested in helping with the study group organization?

    Currently as a novice I'm not sure what I can do, but the answer is far from a 'no'.

    Public Set Answer:

    What is you current CSS background/experience?

    I'm a novice working my way toward intermediate. I've worked through multiple books and have a solid understanding of CSS, how it works, and what its purpose is. I feel comfortable in my editor and reading HTML/CSS. I've recently been focusing on web page layout and have been building custom layouts for random wikipedia pages since they have an abundance of content to be manipulated.

    What would you like to see offered from this course regarding CSS?

    I'm not 100% sure what to expect, but I'm hoping for a place to study and learn with/from others, as well as possible group exercises to not only challenge us, but give us others to tackle our problems with. All-in-all though, I really want to hone my CSS and design skills and meet other aspiring designers like myself.


    Why do you want to learn CSS?

    The internet is an amazing thing, and just like every other form of media, it also needs to be visually appealing and have its content laid out in a manner that makes since to the user. I love the idea of learning the tools to create designs that can be seen worldwide. I love the idea of trying to master tools that can allow me to create something on the greatest piece of technology since the printing press. It's incredibly flexible, the only creative limit is the designer (and probably a client, but that's besides the point at the moment), and we have the power to create things that can further help unite the people of the world by bringing them to the same places to share the same interests (sounds cheesy, but it's true).

  • Emily Priddy   June 18, 2012, 8:01 p.m.


    I am co-owner of a web, CAD, and graphic design company, Headstorm Studios. I love learning new things, and like to stay as current as I can with everything I use for work (programming, seo, etc.).

    Location: Oklahoma City, OK

    Standard Set Answer:

    I use CSS daily for work and always like to refresh my CSS knowledge. I hope that I can learn something new from this group and would love to help with the group organization if I can as well as help other participants learn CSS.

    Public Set Answer:

    I started learning CSS about 14 years ago and use it regularly in my work. I try to keep up with the latest developments and best practices and would like to learn something new from this course and help others learn as well.

  • Joaquim Gonçalves   June 2, 2012, 4:52 p.m.


    Location: Portugal

    Standard Set Answer:

    - A shift from Flex to other technologies

    - Learn a lot from the community (i.e. the best :) )

    - Not for now but hope to in the future

    Public Set Answer:

    1) Not much

    2) All aspects from CSS including browser independent tricks

    3) Because it is one of the technologies mentioned and I want to make a shift from Flex

  • strawtec   May 25, 2012, 6:26 p.m.


    Location: madison wi

    Standard Set Answer:

    Am interestd in learning more about the workings of css.

    i hoping to have a better understanding.

    i can and will help in any way i can.

    Public Set Answer:

    have been working with css for about 5 years but want to learn more about inheritance.

    not sure what i want to see offered.

    fasinated by css and the whole design concept.

  • kesty   May 23, 2012, 8:12 a.m.



    Standard Set Answer:

    i love web development and this topic is a  part of it.

    i hope to achieve a lot.

    yes o cause, i am interested

    Public Set Answer:


    core css

    not learning css is like not wearing clothes...........

  • William   May 18, 2012, 5:38 a.m.


    Always ready to learn new things.

    Location: England

    Standard Set Answer:
    1. CSS is a fundamental to the way web design is deployed.
    2. I hope to gain an initial good basic understanding of using CSS.
    3. If I can I will, happy to be part of the fabric of team work.
    Public Set Answer:
    1. I have a minimal skill set where CSS is concerned, but have a good understanding of HTML.
    2. Support, challenge, good CSS fundamentals.
    3. CSS is a fundamental building block of good web design.
  • robwahl   May 4, 2012, 2:06 p.m.


    Location: Spokane, WA

    Standard Set Answer:

    1. Interested in developing webpages for nonprofits

    2. Hope to become a more experienced efficient programmer

    3. Yes

    Public Set Answer:

    1. Have some experience

    2. Hope to gain practice

    3. Hope to gain practice

  • Anonymous   May 1, 2012, 1:28 a.m.


    Just someone here

    Location: ********

    Standard Set Answer:

    I can't really explain why, but I just have a passion on the subject.

    I hope I can learn more and maybe help others to learn.

    Public Set Answer:

    1. Have a basic command on most CSS2 properties

    should be able to use them effectively

    2. Much more difficult properties like float, and CSS3 new properties, like 2D and 3D transformations, animation, antialising, etc.

    And also all selectors (I don't use much except id, class, child selectors)

    3. It make web pages dazzle!

  • Scott M   April 25, 2012, 3:19 p.m.


    Sysadmin, with some web and blogging experience.

    Location: San Diego, CA

    Standard Set Answer:
    • What made you interested in this topic?

    My experience with CSS is limited, and I could use a few more tips.

    • What do you hope to achieve by participating?

    I would like full control of layouts for my blog and sites -

    • Are you interested in helping with the study group organization?

    Maybe, as time permits

    Public Set Answer:
    1. What is you current CSS background/experience?

    I know enough to make a basic website look pretty good.

    What would you like to see offered from this course regarding CSS?

    Examples of advanced layout.

    1. Why do you want to learn CSS?

    To improve my websites.

  • Jeff   April 15, 2012, 3:01 p.m.



    Standard Set Answer:

    I am learning webdev and this seems like a good place to start. 

    Public Set Answer:
  • smerrell   April 9, 2012, 3:14 p.m.


    Location: Kaysville, Utah

    Standard Set Answer:

    What made you interested in this topic?

    I'm a software developer and I'd like to increase my proficiency with CSS.

    What do you hope to achieve by participating?

    I hope to learn more about CSS so I can more easily style sites I'm working on or will work on.

    Are you interested in helping with the course organization?


    Public Set Answer:

    What is you current CSS background/experience?

    I'm knowledgable about CSS as I do it farily often in my work.

    What would you like to see offered from this course regarding CSS?

    A better understanding of CSS's workings such as specificity and best practices.

    Why do you want to learn CSS?

    I enjoy it.

  • Wes   April 9, 2012, 12:18 p.m.



    Standard Set Answer:

    I want a deeper understanding of CSS so I can improve the efficiency of my web design. 

    Public Set Answer:

    1. I currently use Firebug to view and modify CSS in Wordpress themes.  

    2. I'd like to understand more of the structural elements of CSS including building a Wordpress theme. 

    3. To improve my web design skills. 

  • skrodie   March 27, 2012, 11:55 a.m.



    Standard Set Answer:

    To know well about css and I hope this might be helpful

    Public Set Answer:

    1. I know tags and properties of css and how to implement them.

    2. I wanna see the practical implementation of CSS inorder to create great looking website.

    3. To make my web application viusally attractive.

  • slim   March 26, 2012, 7:24 p.m.


    Location: nigeria

    Standard Set Answer:

    would really love to learn css to incorprate it in my program

    Public Set Answer:
  • firewire2879   March 15, 2012, 10:38 p.m.


    Hi everyone! My name is Carolyn and I love learning on here. I 'm a web content coordinator using wordpress/joomla. I want to expand my skills and learn and help people on here!

    My skills are PhotoShop, intermediate HTML, CSS, Beginner JavaScript, Microsoft Office(certified), Digital Photography, internet research. I would like to prove my web/technical skills and learn new things!

    I enjoy online learning and sharing with everyone!

    I want to become better at CSS, HTML 5, JavaScript and PHP and make dynamic websites. I currently use wordpress and joomla for web development and want to build and progress my skills. This is a great environment for sharing new ideas and innovations!

    Location: Virginia Beach, VA

    Standard Set Answer:

    1.Because I want to make "dynamic" websites and to gain independence along with creative freedom.

    2.To learn new things from other students and their learning strategies to learn these web languages.


    Public Set Answer:

    1.I have 7 months experience and have made 6 websites in my portfolio.

    2.I would like to learn positioning and inheritance

    3. To become a better web designer and really grasping the concepts when I look at code and understanding what the code does to each element on the page. To save time and make websites look dynamic.

  • ericca   March 7, 2012, 5:47 p.m.


    I am a novice website builder with knowledge of HTML and CSS looking to perfect both skill sets and with hopes off adding PHP and SQL to the list as well as any other useful web design and development skills.


    Standard Set Answer:

    I am interested in perfecting my CSS skills and staying current with the most recent features of CSS. 

    I would like to perfect my design skills utilizing all available CSS skills and utilize them to create aesthetically pleasing and compliant web pages.

    I would be interested in helping with course organization after increasing my skill level.

    Public Set Answer:

    I have a basic understanding of all CSS features introduced in versions 1, 2, and 3

    I will like see this course offer and ability to perfect all CSS features

    I would like to learn CSS to use the skill to design websites that are coding compliant