Anyone can follow a study group on P2PU. Participating is the next level of engagement. The sign-up is a space where interested individuals can express their interest and background in the topic and commit to working with the rest of the participants. Please answer the following set(s) of questions if you want to become a participant or organizer.
Standard Set
This set of signup questions is common to all study groups, courses, ... in P2PU. The answers to these questions will be public once you get accepted.
- What made you interested in this topic?
- What do you hope to achieve by participating?
- Are you interested in helping with the study group organization?
Nov. 10, 2011, 6:19 p.m.
I'm a PhD student studying education in the sociology department at Boston College. I'm a first generation college student and I'm a huge fan of anything that breaks down the walls of higher education for anyone who has felt underserved by "education-as-usual". People like to tell me their story and nothing would thrill me more than to hear how you connect "where you're from" with "where you are going". DIY U and the Edupunk's Guide by Anya Kamenetz are my favorite books right now and I'd love to be a resource on P2PU for anyone trying to construct their DIY education.
For fun, I like to mountain bike and fix up old bikes. I play guitar and write songs, but lately I find myself writing more papers than songs unfortunately. I watch bad TV when I need a break from the academic stuff and I used to play soccer competitively, but injuries have stopped me from doing much more than joining a good pick up game. I was raised in a small town outside of Pittsburgh, PA and I would do anything possible for my family. I'd love to meet you so send a note and let's chat!
Location: Boston, MA
Standard Set Answer:
I'm a doctoral student studying Education and organizations. I hope to achieve a greater understanding of the book and its ideas by learning from others' ideas. I am not interested in helping out at the moment, but maybe in the future.
Nov. 1, 2011, 9:05 a.m.
Standard Set Answer:
Interested as a home educating parent and graduate of education and sociology.
Bob Lau
Sept. 27, 2011, 4:38 a.m.
hi,everyone,i am from Zhengzhou,China.i used to be a maths teacher in a junior high school。
Location: Zhengzhou,China
Standard Set Answer:
Recently i read a book,which introduces something about the author.He is really great,cause he can imagine such a socirty so many years ago,even there wasn't internet.i come from China,where education is almost exam-oriented,and i wanna talk about this issue with you,thanks.
Sept. 23, 2011, 8:14 p.m.
mostly harmless.
Location: Canada
Standard Set Answer:
What made me interested in this topic? I wanted to sign up for a course on non-traditional education that was popular to begin to see how the P2PU site works. This course, in addition to covering an interesting book, seemed to meet those criteria.
What do I hope to achieve by paticipating? I hope to become familiar with the community and social functions of P2PU, and to begin to become familiar with its educational benefits.
Am I interested in helping with the study group organization? Perhaps after reading through the course once.
Sept. 16, 2011, 7:57 p.m.
I just finished my MS in International Development Studies from the University of Amsterdam. I love to learn, communicate, read, travel and try new things.
Location: Dallas, TX
Standard Set Answer:
I was first introduced to the idea of education vs. school in high school when I started to travel; my most valuable educational experiences were outside the classroom. Throughout my undergaduate and graduate work, despite following a traditional 'school' format for my education, the topic of institutaionalized learning was ever present.
I hope to achieve a better understanding of the particular assumptions that former colonizers instilled in their citizens and colonized peoples so that these assumptions can be analysed. On a more personal level, formal schooling was the 'right choice' for me, and the 'wrong choice' for many of my friends. I want to know what kinds of changes can be made to the foundational assumptions of formal education that can re-integrate knowledge that is presently taboo (such as social survival skills and nuances).
I am interested in helping with the sutdy group organization. I have experience with teaching and organizing student groups.
Aug. 26, 2011, 11:52 a.m.
Yet another sentient being dwelling in the interstices between creativity and knowledge, continuity and drift, anonymity and public scholarship
Location: U.S.
Standard Set Answer:
I recently received a PhD in 19th Century U.S. Literature and Culture, and am interested in continuing my involvement in intellectual communities beyond the bounds of professional academia.
My goal is to contribute in any way possible to the development of new models of collective learning. This includes helping with study group organization.
Naturally curious, loves learning without rewards.
I learn things to put them to use!
Location: Fargo/Accra/Abuja/Kampala [moves a lot]
Standard Set Answer:
Life is the biggest playground, school is its cousin, and reality is the bell!
July 16, 2011, 9:39 p.m.
teacher, student, fascinated with the affordances and limitations of life, learning, and leadership in a digital age
Standard Set Answer:
What made you interested in this topic?
I've bee facscinated by Illich for years and I have a persistent research interest in alternate models and metaphors for "education." However, I don't get a chance to explore this with others very often.
What do you hope to achieve by participating?
Grow, learn, connect
Are you interested in helping with the study group organization?
This is my first time on Perhaps next time...
July 15, 2011, 12:35 a.m.
far left, korean-american interested in dismantling current paradigm of popular pedagogy
Location: portland, oregon
Standard Set Answer:
i'm interested in finding altenerative models of education that is more egalitarian and effective.
Being Ivan Illich
June 29, 2011, 11:26 a.m.
Standard Set Answer:
I want to answer questions about my book.
I hope to achieve more playfulness in the course by participating
Maybe I will help with the organization indirectly - by my very existence.
June 23, 2011, 10:12 p.m.
Writer by trade, husband, father, cyclist, photographer.
Location: Santa Rosa, Calif.
Standard Set Answer:
I am longtime reader of Illich and I believe I understand his thought fairly well. I'd like to help others understand him and I'd like to engage with others in a good conversation. Ideally, those reading Illich would, as he did, meet in person, at a table, talking over a good plate of spaghetti and bottle of wine. But perhaps the Internet and P2P technology can suffice.
Yes, I would be interested in helping with the study group organization.
June 19, 2011, 6:09 a.m.
When the sky turns tungsteen green after the grass land has reached its climax of climbing above the clouds, the first moist to come down and touch the earth is the reflection of my eyes. Because of that, dreamy faces will emerge from the bark of trees. Shadows will cast spell of love to compliment green with red.
If that would be the situation when you hallucinate with yourself, then you see me. You will know me.
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Standard Set Answer:
Frustrated by the system of education in the Philippines I've been looking always for alternative learning since I went to art school. Fortunately I finished my certificate program in college while struggling to fit in the traditional ways of learning.
By participating in this study group I hope to achieve full understanding of Ivan Illich's "Deschooling Society" and finally come up with my own ways of putting all this to practice. Most especially now that I am a father to a two year old boy, I believe Deschooling theory is a helpful tool in developing his learning processes.
Please count me in. Thank You!
June 13, 2011, 11:33 p.m.
I don't like this part of any questionaire. What is it about me that you want to know that is not obvious from the picture or that cannot be assumed from reading the rest of the profile? Nevertheless, I will attempt to tell you something you maybe cannot figure out. I am a 5'4, 167 gemini female. One can assume from that description that I am intelligent, funny, and quite adorable--and be completely correct in that assumption. I have three children and a husband to chase them (and sometimes me, when the mood strikes). Currently, I am studying Business Administration at South University but since one subject at a time never did capture my attention for long, I am also continuing my studies in Theology and Psychology on my own through various books and online resources. I look forward to experiencing all that P2PU has to offer.
Location: Franklin, LA
Standard Set Answer:
The name made me interested. I have been interested in the concept of 'deschooling' ever since my best friend introduced me to the idea that rather than educating students, most colleges and universities were instead institutionalizing students and causing them to become devoid of the skills needed to think for themselves and to do so in a manner that is critical of the establishment.
By participating in this group, I would like to begin to learn how to 'deschool' myself and my children while still gaining the education necessary to survive and to prosper in the present society and the one to come. I am interested in helping with study group organization once I learn more about how it works.
May 25, 2011, 5 p.m.
Licenciado en Historia, Universidad del Valle.
Location: Colombia
Standard Set Answer:
I'm really interested in the works of Ivan Ilicha as propossals for the construction of a new education and a new society.
My main interest is the review of the works of Ilich.
May 18, 2011, 4:11 p.m.
Education researcher @paris8 and @life
Photographer and media producer
Location: Paris, france
Standard Set Answer:
I'm interested in the topic since right now i'm doing an M1 paper, about learning how to learn methods. And within that the subject of unschooling has a very prominent role. I was planning to read the book anyway, and it is a happy coincidence that I can have a (hopefully) engaging debate at the same time.
I'll be happy to help with the organisation, just let me know how and i'll be happy to give it a shot.
Minu Oh
May 6, 2011, 6:58 a.m.
Location: Portland, OR
Standard Set Answer:
I often hear of initiatives and just general complaints that say the educational system in this country is broken. I can attest that it's not JUST in this country that the educational system is broken. Places like Asia for instance - their educational system is just as broken. Exemplified by the great majority of the world's innovations in various fields coming from the US. Obviously with US's open immigration policy and general standard of living this is the magnet for brains. Either way, I define education as fostering an environment in which students can discover and learn through hands-on engagement in the subject being explored. Education means putting students first - not mere followup to other political or financial agendas.
I extend education to encompass not JUST education for kids, but for adults as well. In order to create the next generation of citizenries to be inquisitive, innovative and considerate group of people, we need to educate and empower the adults who are raising them. - including me.
I'm interested to engage with others who consider this topic of education important enough to have joined this group.
Jennifer Claro
May 6, 2011, 12:45 a.m.
I'm an English lecturer at the Kitami Institute of Technology in Kitami, Hokkaido, Japan. I'm also doing a Ph.D. in Education at OISE/University of Toronto.
Location: Kitami, Japan
Standard Set Answer:
Hi Deschooling Society Group!
I am very excited to find you here! I am a member of the Intro to CSCL group and just today checked out the other courses available at P2PU and there you were! I have not read Deschooling Society, but I have it, and I have been looking forward to reading it for some time (it's in a stack of books waiting to be read, I know you all have your own stacks :) and here is the perfect opportunity to rescue it and read and share. Awesome!
I'm interested in this topic because I think schools are tools of the state and they do more harm than good. I have two sons, 9 and 5, and I must say now at the beginning that my 9-year old son is in school and will be until Grade 6. We'll start home schooling when he finished Grade 6. Well, we are already home schooling now as we do a lot of learning together, academic and otherwise. We live in Japan and the school he goes to has very small classes. He's in a class of Grade 3's and 4's and there are 7 students in total. He's very happy there and I'm happy knowing that he is happy.
This is getting long. Sorry. What I hope to achieve by participating is a great dialogue on a great topic. I want to join this group because I saw the great discussion you are having on Chapter 1. I will have to get caught up soon! When does Chapter 2 start? I hope not for a while... :)
Thank you very much, and I'm really happy to have found you.
Dave Menninger
April 27, 2011, 6 p.m.
Co-founder of Hive13 Hackerspace
Book geek
Location: Cincinnati, OH, USA
Standard Set Answer:
I'm interested in this topic because I see hackerspaces (I'm president and co-founder of my local hackerspace, Hive13) as one venue that offers a real opportunity to practice deschooling. I'm trying to get versed in the underlying theories behind what we do and find others with similar ideas and experiences.
Brylie Oxley
April 18, 2011, 1:27 p.m.
I am a Technology Apprentice at the Woolman Semester School, in northern California. I am currently studying web standards, Python programming, and libre/open souce multimedia production and distribution.
I am dedicated to promoting libre/open source software and web standard technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
I am also very interested in Geospatial tools such as Quantum GIS and GRASS GIS.
Location: Sacramento, CA
Standard Set Answer:
I am interested to learn about perspectives surrounding collective education and societal organization.
I hope to make steady progress through Deschooling Society and to get peer insight into the concepts.
Phil Neo
April 18, 2011, noon
'MIH student who loves widgets, #HumanFactors in Safety. Loves curling #css on the #Ergonomics Society portal in Singapore via - The #IdeaFlowTalk initiative @InnovQ
Location: Singapore
Standard Set Answer:
Soon, Singapore would be holding it's general elections, would this article make an impact?
I hope to delve into the mysteries of the innerworkings of deschooling society. Should schools be wholly privatised?