Location: Mexico City
Standard Set Answer:I want to learn HTML 5
Anyone can follow a course on P2PU. Participating is the next level of engagement. The sign-up is a space where interested individuals can express their interest and background in the topic and commit to working with the rest of the participants. Please answer the following set(s) of questions if you want to become a participant or organizer.
This set of signup questions is common to all study groups, courses, ... in P2PU. The answers to these questions will be public once you get accepted.
Location: Mexico City
Standard Set Answer:I want to learn HTML 5
I study information technology in Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Finland.
Location: Finland
Standard Set Answer:I see HTML5 to be so important in modern websites development
Standard Set Answer:Soy desarrollador web apasionado por la tecnologia e interesado en conocer y contribuir el desarrollo de la misma, espero al participar en este grupo de estudio conocer las nuevas tenologias e implementarlas.
Location: México
Standard Set Answer:- I want to lear about the html5 news.
- I hope use all the knowledge in my own projects.
- yes
Location: Bangers
Standard Set Answer:I see HTML5 as something that has tremedous potetial to break a lot of presentation limitations that web developers/designers faced before. It offers so many exciting ways to base interactions on and that is something that I am really interested in finding out more of. To be inspired and explore exciting news ways of transfering information to make it that much more engagable and digestable.
Location: Venezuela
Standard Set Answer:Aplicar la tecnologia que ofrece para desarrollo de mejores aplicaciones web y creacion, dise#o y desarrollo de paginas mas interactivas, de gran calidad y vanguardista, acordes con los tiempos que vivimos y las exigencias de los usuarios.
I am a computer engineer looking forward to learn HTML5
Location: India
Standard Set Answer:I have been learning HTML and want to upgrade myself to HTML5.
I would hope to complete learning canvas and other beautiful things
Location: bizkaia
Standard Set Answer:La posibilidad de apuntarse en grupos de trabajo, ya que unos podremos aprender de los otros.
Mejorar mis conocimientos.
Si dispongo de tiempo suficiente si me gustaría colaborar.
I am a Graphic Design, Illustrator and Web Designer working under the name Bright Beetle Design some of my work can be found at I am trying to learn more and more web developement!
Location: Cleveland, Oh
Standard Set Answer:I am looking to not only be a part of web design projects but to get more into the client side developement stage.
I hope to achieve a general understanding of HTML5 and its capabilities.
I am def. interested in helping with the study group organization.
I like writing codes and doing programming stuffs.I'm here to explore the potential that is inherent in AI,ML,Game Theory and Embedded Software.I'm open to cross-fertilisation of ideas
Location: Lagos
Standard Set Answer:I've always been fascinated by beautiful web pages . I've been devising a means to immerse myself in this exhilarating trade of web development.Here is a big opportunity at my door steps.I must surely jump on it
I am a digital marketing account manager, but for years I've wanting to learn the code side of the job and make beautiful web pages. I've tried several times but it's hard to find the time when you've already got one career job to take care of. But the passion to learn isn't diminishing so here I am ready to give it another go!
Location: London, UK
Standard Set Answer:I have wanted to learn web design and development for a long while. Working in digital marketing exposes me to all these wonderful technologies and it frustrates me that I can't do them for myself.
So I'm here to learn, and if I get good at it I may turn it into a career.
I would be prepared to help if I can.
Amo la tecnología Web, la música, deseo colaborar y ayudar todo lo que se pueda, soy back end, interesado en los juegos con html5, las ideas siempre rondan por mi cabeza y trato siempre de llevarlas a cabo
Trabajo con PHP, ZEND , y MYSQL
Location: Lima Perú
Standard Set Answer:Bio:
have always been interested in website development. Understand basic html ony at the moment, would love to learn php, mySQL, css, ajax, flash, Actionscript, Java, Javascript, Ajax, Perl, Python, Ruby, SQL
Location: dublin
Standard Set Answer:interested in website development, love the idea of building a website by coding, hate WYSIWYG... Intereste dto learn as much as possible.
Instructional designer and PhD candidate in Education. Mother of four, wife, daughter, sister, friend.
Standard Set Answer:Bio:
Swedish Digital design student, trying to expand my knowledge through this website.
Location: Ystad, Sweden
Standard Set Answer:Bio:
Location: Providence, RI
Standard Set Answer:Wanted to see how it works
Learning something new
Location: Republic of Texas
Standard Set Answer:I
Just another 20 something affected by the economy and looking for a way out of this rut and into something more productive. I have accomplished the happy part, so the next goal is success.
Location: Atlanta, GA
Standard Set Answer:
What made you interested in this topic?
I have always had an interest in web design and html. But have never taken the time (nor had it) to sit down and learn. With the start of HTML5 I decided it was time to get to it.
What do you hope to achieve by participating?
I hope to learn as much as possible. I am always up for a new challenge and always interested in learning new things.
Are you interested in helping with the study group organization?
Not at the moment. Only because I dont know what I am in for yet. But in the future I may be interested once I have the general knowledge.
An IT graduate who looking for new IT techniques & features
Location: Vietnam
Standard Set Answer:I am interested in HTML5 and want to learn more about this,
I hope to achieve more experience in this field.
I want to participate in the organization to gain more knowledge and hope that can help other members.
I am currently dedicated to getting myself up to date in some core web development with the mission of expanding my work in website development and most important Mobile Applications.
I have been involved for 8 years in Consumer Electronics distribution in Latin America and Caribbean. As of recently I represent China manufacturers in USA, Latin America and Caribbean markets and import several consumer products designed for Mobile users and world travelers.
I hope to focus more on web development so I can live and work from anywhere which was what I did before my last employment.
Location: Miami, Florida
Standard Set Answer:I have been away from development for 8 years now. I want to regroup my background in web development and get myself back into the grind. I am clear that the best way is go back to basics.
I look forward to the course and working with the group members.