The Bass Clef [Nov. 28, 2012, 6:24 p.m.]
All the same rules apply to the bass clef that apply to the treble clef. The only difference is the notes on the lines/spaces. So there is still a staff that has a bottom, top, 5 lines, and 4 spaces.
The only difference is that it is now the bass clef symol attached to the staff. The bass clef looks like this:
Here are all the rules that apply to the bass clef.
So 1 way to understand/memorize it is this way:
- The bottom of the staff is the note/letter - F
- The first line of the staff is the note/letter - G
- The first space of the staff is the note/letter - A
- The second line of the staff is the note/letter - B
- The second space of the staff is the note/letter - C
- The third line of the staff is the note/letter - D
- The third space of the staff is the note/letter - E
- The fourth line of the staff is the note/letter - F
- The fourth space of the staff is the note/letter - G
- The fifth line of the staff is the note/letter - A
- The top of the staff is the note/letter - B
Now that way is kind of weird. I like separating it into three groups like this:
- The bottom of the staff is the note/letter - F
- The top of the staff is the note/letter - B
- The first line of the staff is the note/letter - G
- The second line of the staff is the note/letter - B
- The third line of the staff is the note/letter - D
- The fourth line of the staff is the note/letter - F
- The fifth line of the staff is the note/letter - A
You could make up your own mnemonic for that.
Now for the spaces:
- The first space of the staff is the note/letter - A
- The second space of the staff is the note/letter - C
- The third space of the staff is the note/letter - E
- The fourth space of the staff is the note/letter - G
The easy way to remember how to read the bass notes is that I jsut think of the treble cleff fell down an entire rung. Since on treble the 2nd line is G and the 2nd space is A on Bass the 1st line is G and the 1st space is A. It all drops down one space/line.
Here is an infogrpahic to also show this:
Now for your task!
I am going to post a picture of a bass clef with some notes on it (the circles that you see in the first example) and I want you to write in the task discussion part what letters the circles refer/coincide to.
So if there is a circle drawn on the first line you will just write down G. And make sure you put the notes in order. Another example is if I put a circle on the 4th space, 3rd line, 1st space, and bottom you would answer it like this: G, D, A, F
Here is your problem!