This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

Links to our online courses

This is  a space to link to the online course materials that we are developing so we can all explore and learn.

This space is editable by anyone in the course (like a wiki). Just click the Edit button in the upper-right hand corner.

The editing is pretty straightforward but let me know if you have questions. Also, if you want to embed something, use the embed button (fourth button on the second row in edit window). If you want to upload a file (like a video that isn't embeddable), use the Link button (first button on the second row in edit window) and the Upload tab.

As always, ask if you have questions.


Karen - Your Path to Math - Fractions (guest access enabled; let me know if you want a user account to help build); also blogging about the process here

Matt - Effective Online Learning, a Moodle shell (goal + 2-3 pieces). All feedback welcome. Access at -- guest access enabled (you will need the key "P2PU") or you can create an account and then return to log in with key "P2PU" Logged-in folks have Teacher role, which means they can edit, create, delete stuff. Good fun!

Mark I Love CC's a simple mission style course that I developed to engage teachers and challenge them to use Creative Commons resources. I image it would be OK to use with students also. All feedback welcome. 

Task Discussion

  • karen   Oct. 26, 2011, 5:36 p.m.

    Nice course on Creative Commons, Mark! I'm going to cross-post it over at our OER course as well.

    Interesting use of Posterous too. I wouldn't have thought of it for a course like this, but it's quite effective, and I imagine it was relatively straightforward to put together.

    Great job. Thanks for sharing.