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Opt rdgs-Deeper learning [Aug. 24, 2011, 7:43 p.m.]

Deeper Learning


Deeper learning is a new term for a different approach to education, one that emphasizes engaged learning and skills that are critical for success in the real world. Deeper learning focuses on:

  • Critical thinking
  • Problem solving
  • Collaboration
  • Effective communication
  • Information literacy
  • Self-directed learning
  • High engagement and personal satisfaction

To some extent, deeper learning is inherent in online and blended learning environments. In particular, the ideas of self-directed learning, effective communication, and information literacy are important in all online courses. Other elements may or may not be present, but creating an immersive online experience is certainly something we all strive for.

In your own instructional environment, how much deeper learning is going on? What do you see as the benefits and barriers to doing more deeper learning in your school?

How will you incorporate deeper learning strategies into your online course materials? Write about your plans, and then post a link(s) to parts of your course that you think exemplify this.

Additional resources:

In the P2PU School of Ed, there are whole courses on Using Web 2.0 and Social Media to Encourage Deeper Learning, Multimedia and Graphics to Facilitate Deeper Learning, and Writing & Common Core: Deeper Learning for All. Deeper learning is an important theme here!