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Opt rdgs-Std. engagement + Web 2.0 [Aug. 20, 2011, 5:27 p.m.]

Student Engagement


It won't come as a surprise to you that many of our students are bored, but here is some research that give more details on why students are bored.

Research on the Engagement Gap - Indiana University’s High School Survey of Student Engagement - 67% students report being bored in school every day - 82% are bored because the material isn’t interesting - 41% are bored because the material isn’t relevant - 33% are bored because the materials is too easy - 27% are bored because the materials is too difficult

Source: Charting the Path from Engagement to Achievement" (pdf -______) Great reading!

The results of this lack of engagement are poor performance, high absenteeism, higher drop-out rates, and ultimately a lack of enthusiasm for learning that can have lifelong consequences.

There are many ways you can increase student engagement, in both f2f courses and online:

  • Help students to guide their own learning process including setting goals, designing learning processes, and monitoring progress.
  • Include a variety of learning resources and activities at different levels (differentiate).
  • Present content in a variety of formats (multimedia).
  • Make the content relevant with as many real-world connections as possible.
  • Emphasize higher order thinking over rote memorization.
  • Build strong relationships with students.
  • Ask for student suggestions, and then listen to them and act as appropriate.

Here are some additional suggestions that apply specifically to online learning:

  • Have ample opportunities for active participation. This could include:
    • Discussion groups with prompts
    • Online writing (blogs, discussion groups, Google docs, etc.)
    • Multimedia production (create a movie, web site, interactive presentation, etc.)
  • Encouage students to engage in peer learning by teaching and learning from others.
  • Have a strong and supportive online presence as instructor.
  • Give ample and timely feedback.
  • Provide multiple means of communications, e.g. course announcements, email, discussion groups, online "office hours," etc.

Additional resources:

Source: T4LT - Technology for Learners and Teacher; all rights reserved

Web 2.0




The School of Ed also has a whole course on using Web 2.0 and social media to encourage deeper learning with lots more information this topic.