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Opt rdgs-Wk 2 [Oct. 8, 2011, 7:12 p.m.]


Optional Readings for Week 2


Creating a Syllabus

Before you even begin thinking about the content for your online course, you should outline a syllabus for your course. The syllabus should start with learning objectives.

The format of the syllabus can be the same as what is recommended by your school or district for f2f classes, especially if you are teaching a blended course, or it can be customized. Here are some things you may want to include in your syllabus:

  • Course overview and overall objective(s)
  • Class expectations
  • Standards and learning objectives
    Depending on your grade level, you may want to include two versions of this, one with the official state standards and one with the standards and objectives written in kid-friendly language.
  • Pacing
    This is optional. If you are teaching in a blended environment, and your class has a pacing guide, include it. However, one of the advantages of online learning is that students can pace their studies in a way that works best for them.
  • Main topics and learning objectives for each topic
  • Main learning activities (what students are actually doing)
    These can be added after you have a better idea of what is possible with Blackboard and other software tools.
  • Assessment (how you will know when the objectives are met -- specifics on what you will see to know the objectives have been met) and/or how the student will be graded
  • Information about course expectations, methods, contact information, online office hours, etc.
    Some of this can also be included in your eTeacher or Instructor section of the course.


Some people choose to separate the pacing and week-by-week specific topics and learning activities into a pacing guide.


Make a syllabus for your class or unit.

How tightly paced does your class need to be? Does this take away from the sense of self-direction and learner independence?
What are the pros and cons of tight pacing? Does this differ between f2f and online?

Additional resources:

Here are some additional resources related to creating a good syllabus:


Here are some sample syllabi and templates.