This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.


Click the Post Comment button in the top right and introduce yourself.

Tell us a little about yourself and your school and why you're interested in participating in this group. Include something fun about yourself too!

Please don't put your last name, as the web is a wild and crazy place, so we still want to play it safe!  The more you put what your strengths are - what interests you, the more this will help us get various grants specific to your strengths and interests!  We hope to have this filled in the first week you sign up for P2PU!  :)  

Task Discussion

  • primarfe   March 5, 2012, 10:47 p.m.

    Well, we are ASF high school junior students who really would like to take this opportunity as a way to grow up and now what real life actually is. We're very excited about this whole idea and we have been plotting and disccussing our main topics for the project which has a lot to do with enviromental and humanity. Something interesting about us is that we have all participated in some sort of artistic department such as paint, dance, music and so on and we would really like to share those talents along with proving that living a green life is pro-life.