This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

Getting Started / Orientation--(READ THIS FIRST!) [Aug. 23, 2011, 2:51 p.m.]

DRAFT--in progress

  Getting Started / Orientation

Welcome to Differentiating Instruction on P2PU!  Before jumping into the course contet, please take a few minutes to review the information on this page which will help get you off to a great start.

New to Online Learning?

If you are new to online learning, take a moment to read over these helpful links:

Tips for Online Success, Illinois Online Network
This is a list of ten important tips to ensure your success when taking an online course. 

Self-Evaluation for Potential Online Students, Illinois Online Network
This short, twelve-question tutorial helps you determine how ready you are for an online course.


New to P2PU?

Reading over the following information will help you get acquainted with P2PU and this course

Navigating the Course

P2PU courses are organized via a list of "Tasks."  On the homepage of a course, you will see all of the Teasks for a course when you scroll down on the left.  You will also see the first Tasks on the list in the center of the page, and can click to view all of the tasks there as well.  Within these tasks is where the bulk of the learning will take place in this course.

The Tasks for this course have been divided into weeks.  Each week's "task" will include the following:

  •   Readings--brief articles designed to give you some background information on the topic of the week
  •   Activities--short web-base activities designed to further engage you with the week's subject matter (these may include watching videos, exploring resources, completing learning inventories, etc.)
  •   Discussion--each week a question or questions are posed to the group for consideration and course participants are expected to actively engage in conversation artound the given topic (discussions in this course will take place in a designated Google Group which will be linked on each Task page)

Updating your profle...

Making Goals for Yourself

Your First Assignment!

Introduce yourself...