I'm not seeing a chapter titled "welcome to git"
Has the handbook changed? What should I focus on?
This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at community.p2pu.org if that is a problem.
Use the following documentation to install and configure Git:
Post successes, questions, failures, etc to this assignment page. We will do our best to help each other along the way.
In order to see if you are setup and initilized properly run the following command in your teminal:
git config --global -l
If everything is initialized properly, read the Git Community Book chapter entitled Welcome to Git.
I'm not seeing a chapter titled "welcome to git"
Has the handbook changed? What should I focus on?
I found the Getting Started chapter useful for this task.
Got it installed on my Gentoo GNU/Linux and on my MeeGo phone without a problem.
The only issue I see is that there is no chapter called “Welcome to Git” in the online book under the link in this task’s description.
I ran the installer for Windows without a problem. When I went to the setup and configuration, I tried to locate the config file in my home directory, but couldn't see it there. I then went to the GIT directory, and didn't see it here either.
The directions were showing a $ prompt before each setup command, and I knew it wasn't a CLI prompt, so I got adventurous and opened the gitbash.exe file, which was exactly what I needed. Configured everything just fine =)
Yep, I've run the installer on Macintosh, and the terminal gives me feedback that it's set up correctly.
After installing and setting up, I found useful background information in the Git Community Book. Reading through from the beginning is helping me understand more about Gitl -- why things work as they do -- not just "what to type." (So glad to know about blobs! I had know idea about the built-in entertainment value.)
Have a look here if you are like me and what to know the "why" of what you do. http://book.git-scm.com/1_welcome_to_git.html
As a participant, you have the ability to edit the tasks. Please add any information to the task that you feel would be helpful. This is a collaborative study group. :)
I've followed the instructions for the first task as described in the Git Community Book and received no errors, but how do I know if it worked? Is there a test I can do to check? For example, Is there a way to ask Git to return the stored username and email?
Nice, this is very helpful. I added this to the task description, if that is out of line someone please change it back.
Thanks Jonathan and Crisman. This is a peer led study group. Every participant is welcome to change and improve the tasks.