Learn anything, with your peers.

At P2PU, people work together to learn a particular topic by completing tasks, assessing individual and group work, and providing constructive feedback.

This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at community.p2pu.org if that is a problem.

Activity Wall

    posted message: This offering of this course has now concluded, but you can sign-up to be notified of future offerings here or email us at schoolofed AT p2pu DOT org.
    posted message: Just a reminder that we'll be brainstorming the future of the P2PU school of ed here: http://bbb.k12opened.org/join.php?meetingID=P2PU%20School%20of%20Ed&password=gx7i0iru in one hour (6:00pm EST).

    Hope you can join us even if it's for just a few minute to tell us what you think and what you'd like to see next year.
    posted message: To Bonita and to the class My apologies for not continuing. Unfortunately a situation occured that shifted my priorities I take full respnsiblity for not completing this class and informing the class early in this course. No excuse. I can do one of three things. Sign up again when it starts, complete it on my own or I can still complete my assignment as I promised (creating a wiki) Bonita will you let me know what you prefer .... thank you Mireille
    posted message: Hi all, We are in our third week and I love the richness of the discussions that are occurring. I hope, if you have found yourselves busy, you will steal some time to come back to our course and add in your thoughts and experiences. I know that Annette, Jessica, and Grant have put out some challenging ideas and I look forward to hearing others pipe in and share their thinking on creativity and engagement. Here are the questions I have been recently examining: Can we ever reinforce without ruining intrinsic learning? How do we respect the process of creative thinkers, while continuing to attempt to engage students? What elements of engagement are most important? (and do these change)? :)Bonita
    posted message: Okay Student Engagement friends, I must ask. If I am online in a webinar THIS Saturday morning, will any of you be there to join me (it was kind of silent last Saturday). Let me know if you might join me for a second try at an optional webinar! :)Bonita
    posted message: Just wanted to let you all know about webinars happening in other P2PU classes this week. All are welcome!

    Tues., Oct. 11, 5pm EDT
    Online Learning- What works and what doesn't?

    With experts from Florida Virtual School, Open High School of Utah, & Montana Digital Academy
    Log-in here

    Tues., Oct. 11, 8pm EDT
    Where OERs Hang Out

    Visit 2 great OER sites with guests from OER Commons & CK-12
    Log-in here

    posted message: Hi all, It has been very "engaging" listening and speaking with all of you about student engagement. Our optional webinar for the P2PU Student Engagement Course is set up for tomorrow, Saturday, October 8 from 9:00-10:00am Pacific Time. I hope you will be able to attend as I look forward to meeting folks "in person." If you are unable to participate, we will be taping it and will post the tape once it is completed. Our topic is the measurement of engagement. You will need a headset and microphone to participate (and a videocam makes it fun as well). Here is the link. Feel free to go and sign up at any time prior to 9:00 on Saturday. http://bbb.k12opened.org/join.php?meetingID=P2PU%20Student%20Engagement&password=82jrjczg :)Bonita
    posted message: If you are using Internet Explorer and having trouble with the P2PU interface or posting, try Firefox.
    posted message: I am enjoying reading some of your blogs. It is so interesting how people divert into different areas of thinking while they are studying the same material. If you have a blog and wish to share it, don't forget to send me the link! If you want to read the blogs of others on this course, check out the links at the bottom of the left navigation bar.
    posted message: Hi all, I created the wiki for our student engagement course and we will see where we take it as a group. The link and a chance to discuss criteria are available in the last task on the navigation bar. Also, I attempted to unlock the google docs for everyone who has registered with an email, please let me know if these links continue not to work. I apologize for their not being up and running, I had not realized. Finally, kudos to many of you for jumping right in. I know task three for the first week (student survey) is a biggie, but do not let it stop your progress and engagement! Keep going, keep posting, I am interested to see your thinking for the assignments of week two. :)Bonita
    posted message: Tom updated his blog on student engagement: http://tomsp2pstudentengagement.wordpress.com/
    posted message: Hi everyone, we are off to a great start. Thanks for jumping in. Some quick reminders: 1. if you are getting too many email notifications, you can go up to the drop down menu by your login and select preferences and turn off most notices. I will still be able to send you notices that I mark as "important," (like this one). 2. I am a California school principal by day, so forgive me if it takes 8-12 hours before I can respond to questions. Others should feel free to jump in if they have answers:) 3. Let me know if you are having difficulty using google docs. I set everything to public use, but have at least one student that cannot get in. Thanks for "engaging" with us here at P2PU! :)Bonita
    posted message: posted message: Student Engagement has begun! Work through the course at your best pace, trying to match the calendar dates so that you finish on time. We will hold an optional webinar this coming Saturday and I hope you can participate so that we can meet in person (almost). Do not forget to interact with classmates. Mireille and Annette are working up a blog for us to share resources, use the reply features on comments, and read each other's blogs (Tom's and mine are posted in the navigation bar at the bottom). As Captain Picard would say, "Engage!"
    posted message: Tom (and everyone), Thanks Tom! I added Tom's blog to the list of links at the bottom of the left hand side navigation bar. I also added my blog. If anyone else will be keeping a blog, please give us the link so we can go and read the thoughts of each other as we move through the course. :)Bonita
    posted message: I've started my course blog here: http://tomsp2pstudentengagement.wordpress.com/ Hope to update regularly as I process my learning and insights. Tom