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Week One-Exploring Engagement Aloud [Aug. 21, 2011, 10:16 p.m.]


Week One-Exploration of Ideas about Engagement

Assignment 1: What do I think I know about engagement? Select one or more of the following activities and complete your sharing by the following date: September 12

  1. Online discussion of ideas about student engagement: What do we presently believe constitutes "engagement?"  How do we know if students are, in fact, engaged? Can we identify it?  Measure it?  Define it? What are the elements that make up the concept of engagement and do they all need to be present for something to be called "engagement?" Use the comments feature here to post your thinking on the concept of engagement and reply to at least one other person on their ideas/ thinking. don’t forget to ask people questions about their ideas:)
  2. Watch this familiar video.  Feel free to laugh, but also record what you notice the students do in order  to “fake” engagement. Join our google doc and list all the ways to fake “engagement” that you see in the video.  Also add other ways you have noticed in your school life. Try to list evidence of true student engagement in the second column.

What signals do we see that the students are not "engaged?" Why do you think the teacher does not notice (or perhaps does not care) about these signals?


3. Participate in a collaborative writing of the “definition” of engagement below (collaborative means people write stuff and other people edit and revise until we arrive somewhere that seems right).  Of course we could just cut and paste from Wikipedia but there would be no fun in that.


Assignment Two: Week One Readings- Pick any 2 articles to read (or more) and use the comment feature to share what you notice about the definitions of engagement presented by different folks:



This handout discusses elements of engagement for adolescent literacy instruction.  What are the core ideas about engagement in this article?


Overview of student engagement and the elements the author believes go into making engagement occur. What elements does this author name?  Do you agree with each element?



What is your opinion regarding the three ways to help engagement identified by this author?