I have worked for hours every night since reading this assignment. Honestly, I consider myself fairly tech saavy. I work in a media center, and all day long I'm working with and helping others with computer programs such as Garageband, PhotoStory, go animate, PowerPoint, Moodle, and Xtranormal. I could not figure this program out to save my life (or grade, as it may be!). I was finally able to get two "rounds" of a possible math game figured out, but it isn't completely the way I would like it. For example, to start play you must click the flag, but to get to the second round, you must press the space bar. The only way students would know this is if I told them because I can't get it in the script anywhere. I also noticed that at times the program would not follow the commands I had in it. If I logged out and logged back in, it would work fine. Perhaps the site was simply having some tech issues, but for a newbie, it was very frustrating! I stopped at 2 screens because I can't figure out how to add a third without messing up the second. If anything, I guess the directions are lacking. Though I watched about 12 "How to" videos on YouTube and read many comments in the help forums, I still couldn't figure it out. (I'm going to continue working on it until I have screens for 1-9!)
I do see the value in the program, and I'm sure once you break through to a true understanding of the blocks and scripts, it would become much easier to use. Children like games, and this plays into that perfectly. If they can create them, it's even better! I watched one video on YouTube of a class working in pairs to make games. They were engaged and on-task.
Here's what my Scratch example looks like. I did share it on the site. My username is sjgarret.