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Week 6 Live networking (February 20-26) [Feb. 18, 2012, 7:50 a.m.]

This week, my goal is to have live chats with as many class participants as possible. Live communication is different from forum and email. People feel closer when they talk live.

Especially when starting in a new profession, it's crucial to network with colleagues LIVE - by voice if possible, or at least by text chat. Invitations to jobs, projects, collaborations, grants and the like are very heavily influenced by whether the person making the decision has heard your voice! This is one reason live conferences aren't becoming obsolete.

You can choose these scheduled events, OR make an appointment with me for a brief chat at another time during this week. I highly recommend John Mason's event on Wednesday. John is one of my math ed (or "maths" since he's from UK!) heroes, because of respectful, deep and meaningful professional development work he is doing in teacher communities and describing in excellent books. The topic of the event is multiplication, a key area of elementary mathematics.

Monday 20th 3:30pm or  Thursday 23rd 8pm ET Twitter #mathchat Need to be on Twitter to participate. How to do it:  

Wednesday 22nd 2pm ET Math Future event with John Mason, "Elastic Multiplication"

Again, reflections about meetings will go into this P2PU task comments.