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Week 8 Our OERs, revisited (March 5 - 11)

We are creating several Open Educational Resources as a group. This week's task has to do with peer-to-peer learning in the context of making OERs.


  1. Read people's contributions to the list of elementary math questions that have infinitely many answers at
  2. Respond to someone with a substantial comment. In your comment, add some math content, such as a similar open-ended question, or a discussion of "whys" behind the ideas, or quotes from an article.
  3. Moreover, respond as a "peer teacher" - the goal is not only to contribute to our list of open-ended math question, but help the person you are replying learn in this course. Think: based on what the person said, what can they be learning next?


  1. Read suggestions in "Scratch, the missing manual" thread:
  2. Respond to someone with a substantial comment.
  3. In your comment, help the person you are responding to learn

We are going to publish "the missing manual" on the ScratchEd site, and the list of open-ended math examples somewhere else nice, probably on a wiki, because we need to embed art pieces. This is good content you made! Both collections will be good open resources for other math educators.

Task Discussion