Location: Nicaragua
Standard Set Answer:1. Very intresant topic and new programming language
2. I hope learn something new to increase my knowledge.
3. Not in this moment
Anyone can follow a community course on P2PU. Participating is the next level of engagement. The sign-up is a space where interested individuals can express their interest and background in the topic and commit to working with the rest of the participants. Please answer the following set(s) of questions if you want to become a participant or organizer.
This set of signup questions is common to all study groups, courses, ... in P2PU. The answers to these questions will be public once you get accepted.
This set of signup questions is particular to this community course. The answers to these questions will be visible to all participants once you get accepted.
1) Have you had some experience with programming?
2) Have you touched on Ruby On Rails before, and how much have you learned?
3) Other then the main goal, what other goal/s would you like to accomplish?
4) Are you willing to share every problem and solution with all participants via post or email?
Location: Nicaragua
Standard Set Answer:1. Very intresant topic and new programming language
2. I hope learn something new to increase my knowledge.
3. Not in this moment
Location: india
Standard Set Answer:I would like to learn Ruby on rails To build web application.
Location: egypt
Standard Set Answer:1.because i'm aweb developer.
2.get full under standing of ruby on rails.
I currently use PHP and MySQL, heard that Python is a good language and wants to learn.
Location: india
Standard Set Answer:I want to learn. Understanding and helping others
I am a young Web-Designer wantabe.
Standard Set Answer:I just think it would be a good skill to have in my web-development intrests
Standard Set Answer:wanna learn rails
I'm a grad student and entrepreneur. I have a high passion for Web Development. I enjoy working with people that are hungry for solving problems and achieving goals.
Location: Washington, DC
Standard Set Answer:I want to learn about various programming languages to see which fits me the best.
Learning as much as possible to the point where I can teach on the site.
Possibly don't know if I would be much help now.
I am currently dedicated to getting myself up to date in some core web development with the mission of expanding my work in website development and most important Mobile Applications.
I have been involved for 8 years in Consumer Electronics distribution in Latin America and Caribbean. As of recently I represent China manufacturers in USA, Latin America and Caribbean markets and import several consumer products designed for Mobile users and world travelers.
I hope to focus more on web development so I can live and work from anywhere which was what I did before my last employment.
Location: Miami, Florida
Standard Set Answer:I have been interested in Rails for a little more than a year. I look forward to it.
I hope to achive a begginer and maybe medioum level Rails programmer.
I am interested in helping with the community course organization.
Standard Set Answer:I'm interested in learning new technologies.
Standard Set Answer:I enjoy webdesign and i love improving myself and my skills.
To learn more!
If my knowledge can be of some help i would love to contribute.
Location: West Yorkshire
Standard Set Answer:Hi there,
I'm a first year university student studying Web Technologies. I hope to participate and contribute in multiple subjects :)
Standard Set Answer:Am interested in its application to web development. Wish to gain working knowledge fast. Am willing to help whenever I can.
Arquitecto de Información
Location: México
Standard Set Answer:cwd
New to R/R
Location: NYC
Standard Set Answer:I have been interested in coding for a while, and now that I am being employed to do it, I have a reason to learn.
I hope to learn how to use r/r
I am not interested in helping with the community course organization
Location: allahabad
Standard Set Answer:the robustness of this language
Location: Dominican Republic
Standard Set Answer:i want to be a better web developer
i hope i could learn ruby because it is a very interesting language to manage
yes whatever i could
I am a finance professional that consults, invests in and takes a principal role in technology companies. I think it would be useful if I actually acquired some coding skills.
Location: Washington, dc
Standard Set Answer:I invest and work in start-ups, but think it would be beneficial if I also had some coding knowledge
I hope to be able to code my own ideas at least to the point of proof of concept
I am interested in helping with organization
Location: RI
Standard Set Answer:>
I literally want to learn as much information and skills as I possibly can to further develop myself and my career.
Location: Providence
Standard Set Answer:I have noticed that Ruby on Rails is involved in many aspects of today's world, and I want to be a part of it.
I hope to acheive the skills to apply Ruby on Rails skills when needed.
I am always interested in helping out.
Location: Milan
Standard Set Answer:I've worked with RoR
I want to reinforce my basics
Unfortunately I've no time to help with the course organization