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Activity Wall

    posted message: WE are planing to donate around 5000 pesos to the club Hogar Ducle Hogar. This money they will probably use it to get any materials they need and/or to transport the kids around. We still need to confirm with our contact to know what the money will be used for and how much money will they need. We have a plan b to donate money to the drama club, they have no money and need any sort of help.
    posted message: Gamma Club 1. How will this help the kids? At what cost (monthly, yearly - how long can a contract last? 2. What type of material for each subject are required? Do they need to be new or can they be refurbished? 3. The material will be directed for which ages? What licensing fees might there be? Budget: (things to consider) -art class (paintings, brushes, canvas) -special events regarding classes: concerts-music, english or french-movie, -sports- watch a live match, art class-,museum -guest speakers -holidays such as childrens day, final class event
    posted message: The money that our idea of a Soccer tournament requires is going to be directed towards buying beverages, and referee uniforms which the organizers in this case Juan Pablo and Andres, will use. The money will be directed to necessary materials and equipment which will be mostly lent by the American School Foundation. The initial money provided by Incoraxis, Crediaxis, Certe, and Ingenio La Gloria will be used to begin the tournament. The profit (the tournament is a fundraiser) will go part to the next monthly tournament and the rest to an orphanage who feeds young orphans and helps them by offering shelter, etc.
    posted message: Jose Alonso, Inigo Rodriguez and Nicolas Zebadua The money that we are requesting will be used to buy supplies such as: color pencils, pens, backpacks, cases, and erasers. We believe that its also important to buy computers because internet is a great source of learning. We will buy the cheapest computers so we can offer more. Computers can be refurbished The money will also be spent on pantries. All this supplies will first be delivered to those people that need them the most.
    posted message: Budget Our main goal is to raise money of a laptop or laptops; while we think this is a great idea we have to consider that this is a very poor community and they may not have unlimited access to electricity or internet access. Considering these factors it would be important to evaluate if laptops would actually benefit them. If they were we would evaluate that the brand of the laptops would have to be of hard use (not delicate) and they would have to be non fancy. Brands: Toshiba Dell Number of laptops: We would consider raising money for 2 or 3 laptops since they are a small developing school. The laptops we would like to get would be comptley new.
    posted message: We are Alessandro, Sebastian, Alvaro and Benjamin and we are thinking of helping a foundation that gives out loans and scholarships to students who want to study but can't afford a post-graduate degree. The name of the foundation is Harvard Foundation and has been around to help mexican students who want to achieve their dream of studying abroad and have a post-graduate degree in one of the best schools in the world.
    posted message: GOOD definition of a foundation here: http://www.grantspace.org/Tools/Knowledge-Base/Funding-Resources/Foundations/What-is-a-foundation