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Click the Post Comment button in the top right and introduce yourself.

Tell us a little about yourself and your school and why you're interested in participating in this group. Include something fun about yourself too!

Please don't put your last name, as the web is a wild and crazy place, so we still want to play it safe!  The more you put what your strengths are - what interests you, the more this will help us get various grants specific to your strengths and interests!  We hope to have this filled in the first week you sign up for P2PU!  :)  

Task Discussion

  • inaki-1A   March 20, 2013, 10:57 a.m.

    Inaki Lozano and Alex Herrera which are the two teamates working to get a grant for Ayudame Que Yo Tambien soy Mexicano (ATM). ATM is a Mexican foundation that works in order to build low cost houses for the less fortuate Mexican Families. We are looking foreward to work with Tony Guevara and Olivia Gaxiola (the presidents of the foundation) in order to get the grant to make a family happy

  • Nicolas-1A   Feb. 22, 2013, 10:01 a.m.


    Grant to Fundacion Televisa


    Inigo Rodriguez, Nicolas Zebadua and Jose Antonio Alonso are interested in helping our community by writing a grant to Fundacion Televisa and asking for a short amount of money that will help buy materials for a proper education in some of our poorest schools in Mexico. We will like to provide computers and some other things that will help some students to have a better education.

  • Harry B   Feb. 22, 2013, 4:48 p.m.
    In Reply To:   Nicolas-1A   Feb. 22, 2013, 10:01 a.m.

    Awesome and specific scope already - sounds awesome!

  • Maria-1A   Feb. 22, 2013, 9:58 a.m.

    As a group, Jessica, Cecilia and I are seeking for some help in order to change the actual educational status of our community. With this in mind we plan to invest in educational programs imvolving arts. As artists, we are concerned with those who have artistic dreams but can't achieve them due to the lack of resources. For this reason, our main goal will be focused on the students interested in arts that attend some public schools around us. 

  • benjamin-1a   Feb. 22, 2013, 9:56 a.m.

    Hi! we are Alessandro, Sebastian, Alvaro and Benjamin and we are very excited and interested to be able to participate in this student grant writing project. We can now help and do something really useful for a community or foundation in Mexico City. We never thought that by doing a school project, we could actually earn money and help people in need. We want to make a difference, to stand out and actually do something that can have a positive impact.

    PS: sorry for any spelling mistake.

  • Gabriel-1A   Feb. 22, 2013, 9:55 a.m.

    Hello our names are Gabriel, Paul, Mariel and Lucia. We are exctied to start writing this grant because we are looking forward to help our community in need. We really want our voices to be heard. Its also a new ability that we will be able to gain, that could help us in the long run. For our gran we want to give water to communities that need it, because water is a vital necessity to survive, and living with out it would be a misery. We wouldnt want anyone to suffer because of it.

  • valeria-1A   Feb. 22, 2013, 9:51 a.m.

    HI! Our group is formed by three girls: Victoria, Valeria and Ane. We are very motivated to write a grant , our main goal is to help people; understand their needs and their communities. It would be a great way to make a difference in someone's life. This is a jump start to helping people around the world. We are belivers in education , so to work with a school or an education oriented foundation would be our foucs. We hope we can achive this important goal.




    Victoria, Ane and Valeria

  • Harry B   Feb. 22, 2013, 4:47 p.m.
    In Reply To:   valeria-1A   Feb. 22, 2013, 9:51 a.m.

    I ike the way you ended your message, way cool.


  • BenjaminLee-1A   Feb. 22, 2013, 9:50 a.m.

    Hi all!

    I will apologize in advance for any spelling mistakes I may or may not make. This group is made up of Antonio, Alfredo, Lucas, and myself. This is an interesting assignment to say the least as we have never had to do work that can actually become reality in the form of grants. I can say as of right now that we are interesting in spreading awareness about the different conflicts in the world. As well as working to help children, as there is a group here at school called Hogar Dulce Hogar that volunteers and helps a local orphanage. 

  • Ivan-4b   Feb. 21, 2013, 2:59 p.m.

    Hello we are Ivan Guerra and Juan Ernesto Mendoza. We are exited because it will, we might finally do something helpfull to someone else and we are looking foreward to grant  and help the comunity and be able to know we did it. We are intrested in charity, in helping those in need and making good actions for a good cause. I believe PotatOS

  • Claudia-4B   Feb. 21, 2013, 2:55 p.m.

    Hi! Our names are Claudia and Lorena and we are students at The American School Foundation, A.C. in Mexico City. We're excited about this student grant writing project because this way we will be able to help other people. We haven't come up with a title for our grant but the basic idea of this is to help children that don't have the best financial situations and that come every week to our school (Hogar Dulce Hogar) and to give them small classes like a school and teach them new things and help them succeed when they're older. Also make them see that there's someone for them out there and that they should be more open with the world since they have so many opportunities. 

  • Andres Charvel   Feb. 21, 2013, 2:54 p.m.

    Hello! In this grant writing group, Nina, Andres and Juan Pablo are very excited about this project. The writing of the actual grant is what we are not so excited about. We prefer presenting our project idea through a visual presentation and oral one as well. We are not great fans of extensive writing as much as we are of getting our message through to the community and making our idea become an actual project that helps the community itself. Our group is not yet sure what we want to do for the actual grant but we are interested in fundraising activities of some sort to clean up streets and make more public parks around areas in the city that are full of trees and open areas but with no true maintanance or care. It would be nice to make available more public areas free to anyone who wants to have a nice day outdoors, and encourage people to maintain the shape of the park as we leave it.

    The Fantastic Trio

    Grant Writing Group

    (Nina, Andres, Juan Pablo)

  • Pily   Feb. 21, 2013, 2:52 p.m.

    Our names are Joseph Elenz, Andrea Alvarez and Pilar Elizaga. We are really to excited to start this project because we want to help our community and learn about the people in it. in addition, we want to spend time with people we have less resources than us. We want to write a grant for people who live around our community and help them experience other things than what they are used to. Cant wait to start! 

  • Harry B   Feb. 12, 2013, 1:01 p.m.

    Hola!  This is the second year for the grant wiritng class, and this is amazingly aligned with what skills you need for a research paper.  We have a school joining from Africa, as well as students from Delaware helping.   I at at ASF in Mexico City, a librarian, advisor to the Repentino. International Magazine, and all things involving projects!   I love my students, love projects, and love XC, the outoors, and much more!