Standard Set Answer:I would like to learn to speak spanish to learn a new skill. I have no experience so far!
Anyone can follow a course on P2PU. Participating is the next level of engagement. The sign-up is a space where interested individuals can express their interest and background in the topic and commit to working with the rest of the participants. Please answer the following set(s) of questions if you want to become a participant or organizer.
This set of signup questions is common to all study groups, courses, ... in P2PU. The answers to these questions will be public once you get accepted.
This set of signup questions is particular to this course. The answers to these questions will be public once you get accepted.
Thanks for signing up! I can't wait to have you in our class. In order to access the exercises, you'll have to create an account and enroll at SpanishMOOC on CourseSites.
We'll be using an adaptive-learning platform called Instreamia, which bases your learning on videos in Spanish.
It's great to have you! Please answer these questions:
Again, welcome aboard!
Standard Set Answer:I would like to learn to speak spanish to learn a new skill. I have no experience so far!
Recently an alumni student of East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania moving forward to graduate school at Queens University of Charlotte for a Masters of Science in Organization Development and a coaching certificate. Creative with an open-minded perspective. Genuine interest in the balance of work and life issues, as well as productivity among the organization and increased personal growth among the individual. Especially attuned with a high emotional intelligence IQ, leadership that is participative and encouraging, as well as appreciative of a down-to-earth environment. Values professionalism, reliability, challenging the status quo, and diversity.
Location: Charlotte
Standard Set Answer:Since I was very young, I've shown a strong interest towards learning different languages. I had started learning spanish in high school and then continued on for four years in college, with a total of six years learning. I'm also very interested in traveling and would love to combine traveling and my love for the language of spanish someday soon. I hope to travel to Europe in the next two years to learn about different cultures, languages, and people.
I hope to achieve better communication and speaking skills in spanish. I'm working towards becoming fluent so that I can begin learning a new language.
If qualified, I'd definitely love to help with the course organization!
Since I was very young, I've shown a strong interest towards learning different languages. I had started learning spanish in high school and then continued on for four years in college, with a total of six years learning. I'm also very interested in traveling and would love to combine traveling and my love for the language of spanish someday soon. I hope to travel to Europe in the next two years to learn about different cultures, languages, and people. ]
I'm from a small town in Pennsylvania, but recently I've moved to Charlotte to begin my Masters program in Organization Development at Queens University of Charlotte. My background in spanish is not long-term as I had started learning the language in high school, however, my interest continued to grow and over the years, I've made a lot of spanish-speaking friends who have helped grow my love for the language. I've never been out of the country, but I plan on it as soon as I'm able to!
Location: InterwebZ
Standard Set Answer:Bio:
Want to leran Spanish and Japanese Language by heart, seeking a teacher who will help me to do so..
Can teach Bengali, English( Beginer)
Location: INDIA
Standard Set Answer:
My love for spain and spanish culture made me thinking to join the course.
If i can achieve the course learning then the treasure of spanish language and liteature will open to me and i myself will be blessed by those writings and works , and later i can teach one and can motivate to make the initiative.
Definietly i will help at my utmost.
I want to learn spanish.
I dont have any background in spanish, i love spanish books and their rich heritage culture, so why by heart i am interested in learning.
I am a crazy anarchist who is a NewGrounder who believes in free culture and limited government.
Standard Set Answer:Like to learn Spanish to pass the time.
Learn Spanish.
Want to learn Spanish.
I am from The Planet Awesome and have no background in Spanish except seeing heel wrestlers usually Mexican speak it.
Standard Set Answer:I have tried other MOOC courses wanted to try a language.
I hope to learn a bit of Spanish.
I need more information as to what I could do to help. I'm a student.
I would like to learn Spanish
I work in different spheres of action as a teacher, trainer, e-moderator and online-coach:
• research assistant for network culture and academic writing
• trainer in vocational preparation (IT, Office Tools)
• organization of school and job-related education projects
• integration of Social Media applications in the professional and academic training
• development + curation of online-Courses (E-Moderating according to Gilly Salmon, Community Management, Creative Writing and Writing with / trough / under / about Social Media
… I studied German Literature & Psychology, I was acting and performing political Theatre, I have hold visiting professorships on Art Colleges, I tried to be a Teacher in German Language and Art (failed!) and am now engaged in Social Learning and Social Writing.
Poetry must be made by all and not by one!
#curation, #hyperfiction, #Elearning, #Coach, #educhat, #SocialMedia, #writing
Deutsch / German: Kurzbio
Heiko Idensen, Lernbegleiter, Ausbildungscoach, Social-Media Learning, E-Moderator. Entwicklung und Kuratieren von Online-Kursen und Social Media Lern-Plattformen für akademische und berufliche Ausbildung, kreatives und wissenschaftliches Schreiben ...!/web2write
Location: Hannover
Standard Set Answer:I want to create free online learning courses for DaF (German as a foreign language) and therefore it is very intersting to see, how a Languages COursecan be structured in :-)
I Want to learn, how to do Langugage Learning with /!
I am just a beginner on this platform, but I will certainly share my experiences with other open learning plattforms (moodle,,, ....)
Heiko Idensen
my educational topics on
Standard Set Answer:i am a translator i want to learn another language
I am an undergraduate student.
Location: India
Standard Set Answer:
I have a friend in college who is from Angola and speaks Spanish. He taught me a few words of Spanish in exchange for some daily use Hindi words . That's where it all started and now here I am. As far as helping is concerned, it would be a pleasure.
Spanish is a very beautiful language and I want to learn it just for the sake of learning. I am from India and I have no background in Spanish.
Standard Set Answer:Just my heritage, wanting to be fluent again.
I want to learn again, because I learned when I was little because my adopted mom was Mexican, even though I myself am Puerto Rican, I wanted to stop learning because the kids all spoke english. So I want to learn again.
Standard Set Answer:What made you interested in this topic ? I have always loved the spanish language and have been trying to learn it but never got enough time so this course seems a great way to kickoff . Also am plannig to do my further ms studies in Spain for which this would be useful
What do you hope to achieve by participating ? I hope to be able to read , writer and communicate as well as uderstand spanish as much as possible . Also I would like to be able to interact with other people of the course and help my peers with this learning process.
Are you interested in helping with the course organization ? Yes, It would be a great pleasure of mine to contribute to making this course better in any way possible .
What i find interesting about the course is the course topic and content : An interactive way to learn spanish . I want to learn spanish .
At present i do have a very basic knowledge of spanish gainned from football match commentaries and a litlle bit of dabbling around the net but not much .
Location: Amsterdam
Standard Set Answer:I like to learn spanish
Instructional Designer
Location: Raleigh, NC
Standard Set Answer:I would like to learn more Spanish.
By the end of this course, I hope to have basic communication skills in Spanish.
Yes, I would be interested in helping with the course design.
I want to learn or be able to read Spanish. I am working with faculty that teach Spanish and would like to be able to understand the content more.
I am from Raleigh, NC and I had two years of Spanish in high school, but that was a long time ago!
Standard Set Answer:Studied Spanish in hig school but never became conversational, lots of Spanish friends and travel - would like to improve my Spanish language conversational skills.
Standard Set Answer:Love to learn.
I'm ALice Corona, 23 years old Master Student in Communication
Location: The Netherlands
Standard Set Answer:I'm trying to learn more skills online.
I love to learn and look forward to participating in classes and meeting new people.
Location: Southern California
Standard Set Answer:What made you interested in this topic?
I live in California, where many many people speak Spanish, so I'm very very interested in learning Spanish so I know what's going on around me.
What do you hope to achieve by participating?
I'd like to me able to speak basic Spanish.
Are you interested in helping with the course organization?
I'd love to but I do not have the time.
What's interesting about this course to you? Do you want to learn Spanish, or do you teach it?
I live in California where Spanish is spoken quite a bit so I'd like to learn Spanish so I know what's going on around me and be able to communicate with others better.
Where are you from and what's your background with Spanish
I'm from Southern California and I know very very very basic Spanish - enough to get myself in trouble!
absolutely beginner and I want to spend my vacation in Spain
Location: germany
Standard Set Answer:learn a new language
a simple to moderate conversation
I want ot learn Spanish
from Germany,
Standard Set Answer:I want to learn.
I help higher education, K-12, professional, corporate, and government organizations worldwide deliver a more effective learning experience through online, blended, and mobile learning.
Location: Boston, MA
Standard Set Answer:I hope to gain a foundation in the Spanish language.
I want to learn Spanish.