Core Academic Knowledge
Critical Thinking
Complex Problem Solving
Effective Communication
Working in Collaboration
Learning how to Learn
Global Perspective
I believe that various programs can easily represent the above. For example, using the idea of backchanelling will present the actual argument for divergent thinking and if students are able to truly multitask. (Using programs such as polleverywhere.com, todaysmeet.com, jing, skype, ovoo, etc.)
Also, the above allow for collaboration, as well as various projects to be used such as prezi, good ol powerpoint, imovie, iphoto, moviemaker, (various platforms conformed to what users have available).
Critical thinking comes in a way that presentations are made to meet the needs of various artiists.
I believe learning blogger and wordpress are important as users can see both, I am familiar with wordpress and totally out of it in uderstanding blogger, lol. I also think using platforms like edmondo and twitter are very important, as I do not use twitter for anything and think it can be used for effective things that I do not use, the video I need to explore and see these options :)