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Week 2 - Reflective Task [Sept. 1, 2011, 4:27 a.m.]

This week we will reflect on practical strategies for using social media to promote deeper learning in the classroom. Please read and watch the materials below and then respond to the Reflective Task question by clicking “Post Comment” in the upper right corner of this page.

READING #1: Some of you may already know Vicky David (aka Cool Cat Teacher).  She’s something of an online sensation - advocating for web 2.0 in the classroom.  You can explore her blog at Vicky has authored a useful short paper on the Web 2.0 Classroom.  Click this link and read her paper

VIDEO #1: Sasha Barab is a leading thinker about technology and learning science from University of Indiana.  He spends a lot of timing studying virtual learning experience and student engagement.  In the following video he makes a case for why students like to use new media.


1) How can you apply ideas from these two thought leaders to your classroom / school?  

2) Share any additional ideas you had while going through the reading and video.