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Week 3 - Project Task [Sept. 1, 2011, 4:54 a.m.]

Based on the preference you indicated last week we have assigned each group to a section of the Kit.  Below you will find the Kit assignments:

  • TBD in Week 2

With your team this week, please do the following and post your responses as comments below. We welcome you to comment on your colleagues’ responses.

1) Based on the lessons you taught this week, as well as the discussions we’ve had thus far, what are some important “big picture” things educators should keep in mind when using social media to promote deeper learning.

2) What components do you think each Kit section should have?

  • For example, should each section include research/sample lessons/ideas for assessment/etc.

3) Create an outline of the content you want to include in your section of the Kit.  As a team decide how you will get the work done to complete your Kit. Please post your outline below.

  • We welcome you to comment and give feedback on other teams’ outlines.
  • Note: Your Kit section should be complete by the end of Week 5 (November 5, 2011).