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Week 3 - Project Task [Oct. 15, 2011, 9:33 a.m.]


NOTE: Since many people were busy during Week 2, we combined the Week 2 and 3 Project Tasks. Please post your answers to the questions below on the Week 2 Project Task

View Project Rubric Click Here. 

Last week we finalized the Kit into the following sections.  This week we are going to join our working groups. For time sake, we have preselected the groups (see below). Once you are in your group, discuss which sections of the Kit you want to “own”.  Come back to this page and leave a comment with your preferences. You may have to negotiate with other groups to see who gets which section.  

  1. Core Academic Knowledge
  2. Critical Thinking/Divergent Thinking
  3. Complex Problem Solving
  4. Effective Communication
  5. Working in Collaboration
  6. Learning how to Learn
  7. Global Perspective
  8. 21st Century Skills
  9. Real World Application


Kit Groups (Visit the Introductions Task and Social Task from Week 1 to find your group members' contact information.) Note: If you have not been assigned to a group it is because we did not see any participation from you during Week 1. If you'd like to be added to a group and to actively participate for the remainder of this course, please contact Anna or Chris.

Red Group - Co-facilitate Week 2, Click here to access your Group’s page.

Harry B 

Orange Group - Co-facilitate Week 3, Click here to access your Group’s page.

Jennifer Claro 
Maria Jose Torres Maldonado 

Yellow Group - Co-facilitate Week 4, Click here to access your Group’s page.

Cindy Miller 
Marcia Klimes

Green Group - Co-facilitate Week 5, Click here to access your Group’s page.

Bob Lamons 
Kim Mease 

Blue Group - Co-facilitate Week 6, Click here to access your Group’s page.

Wes Brown 
Natasha Bhandari



Please meet with your group this week to discuss the following.

It may be helpful to set up a Skype, Free Conference Call, or Instant Messenger conversation as a first meeting so that you can get to know one another.

1) Design how you will work together over the coming 5 weeks. Designing is the process of planning how a team relationship will function. It means being intentional about setting up expectations, guidelines, goals and rules. Any “designed alliance” can always be “redesigned” is something is not working. Here are some questions you may want to discuss during your designing process:

  • What are the expectations of our team?
  • When/how are we going to meet?
  • What goals are we committed to pursuing?
  • What will we do if someone gets off track?
  • What kind of support do we want from each other?
  • Is there anything else we would like to design?

2) Based on Week 1, we’ve identified the above topic areas as kit sections of our “Practical Guide to Using Social Media to Encourage Deeper Learning Kit for Educators”. As a group define what each of the section topics means to you. For example, what does “Core Academic Knowledge” mean to your group? What does “Critical Thinking/Divergent Thinking” mean to your group? Please share your definitions below.

3) Each group will create 2 kit sections over the coming weeks. Therefore, as a team please shortlist the top 4 topic areas you’d like to work on by Sunday October 23rd (Note: We extended the deadline to give groups more time to work together)We will then assign final sections based on team preferences.

4) The Kit is meant to be 1) practical for you and 2) practical for the educators we share it with. How do you think each Kit section should be organized? Please share your group’s ideas below. For example each section might include:

  • Definition of topic
  • How topic relates to social media and deeper learning
  • 2 case studies of topic in practice
  • Social media tools and how they can be used to promote the topic
  • Sample lesson plan/unit where social media is used to promote the topic


5) You will notice above that your group has been given a week to co-facilitate the course. In an effort to encourage more cross-pollination of ideas:
  • We request that when it is your group’s week to co-facilitate, that each member of your group take time out during the week to respond to your classmate’s posts with ideas, questions, or resources to deepen each other’s learning. You are of course welcome to do this each week. But, when it is your co-facilitation week, please make sure to comment on several other people’s posts.