Anyone can follow a course on P2PU. Participating is the next level of engagement. The sign-up is a space where interested individuals can express their interest and background in the topic and commit to working with the rest of the participants. Please answer the following set(s) of questions if you want to become a participant or organizer.
Standard Set
This set of signup questions is common to all study groups, courses, ... in P2PU. The answers to these questions will be public once you get accepted.
- What made you interested in this topic?
- What do you hope to achieve by participating?
- Are you interested in helping with the course organization?
Between Participants Custom Set
This set of signup questions is particular to this course. The answers to these questions will be visible to all participants once you get accepted.
(1) Please list your blogs, twitter accounts, websites or other online assets that you author as an educator.
(2) There will be a practical laboratory which you must complete in your class or school in the third and fifth week of this class (see syllabus for details). You will be required to work with students or teachers using web 2.0/social media tool(s). Please describe your ability to fulfill this requirement.
(3) What does it mean for you to take your teaching (or work as an administrator) to the "Next Level"? (3-5 sentences)
(4) What is your email address? What grade/subject do you teach and at what school? What is your role in your school (e.g. teacher, reading specialist, vice principal, etc.)?
Coorinadora Recursos Informáticos en la Facultad de Filosofía, Letras y Ciencias de la Educación.
Cuencana, Ingeniera de sistemas.
Location: Cuenca
Standard Set Answer:
Espero encontrar una metodología para enseñar web 2.0 a personas adultas.
Cómo facilitar a los inmigrantes digitales la inclusión en la sociedad de la información y el conocimiento.
Jennifer Claro
Sept. 27, 2011, 3:53 p.m.
I'm an English lecturer at the Kitami Institute of Technology in Kitami, Hokkaido, Japan. I'm also doing a Ph.D. in Education at OISE/University of Toronto.
Location: Kitami, Japan
Standard Set Answer:
· What made you interested in this topic?
I use Web 2.0 for my own learning. I will be helping my students (Japanese university students) to construct their own Personal Learning Environment (PLE) for learning English and much of their PLE will be based on Web 2.0.
· What do you hope to achieve by participating?
I hope to learn more about how to use Web 2.0 with my classes.
· Are you interested in helping with the course organization?
Not at this time, but in the future, yes, I’d love to.
Sept. 27, 2011, 12:37 a.m.
My passion is to tackle economic and social development through education. My international upbringing brought me to work on the global economic stage to promote sustainable development at the World Bank. Currently, I am pursing my Masters at Harvard University in International Education and Social Entrepreneurship.
Location: Cambridge, MA, USA
Standard Set Answer:
Hi Anna,
This is Natasha - I am trying to sign up for the course.
Do you want me to answer these?
Sept. 26, 2011, 2:59 p.m.
I'm currently a graduate cs student . I have a big passion to learn all new stuff regarding computer &software.
Technology is a mystery for me ,I would like to discover and learn more .
This commuinty is a perfect place to learn and share experiance with others.
Location: Yemen
Standard Set Answer:
- I'm a fan of socail media and web2.0 technologies ,that tools in common are usey and having huge numbers of users .aslo these tools might be used in education to facilitate learning in an enjoyable and collaborative way.
- I hope to learn technqies and methods to commuincatig with people and develop learning activties for students .
-I'm not sure If will be available ,but i will be happy to collaborate with peers to acheive learning outcomes.
Sept. 23, 2011, 2:14 p.m.
Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Standard Set Answer:
I am interested in this topic because many of our students are already using these tools and skills. I would like to learn how they can use them in an educational setting. I hope to become more comfortable with Web 2.0 and Social Media programs and tools as an educator in order to implement more of them into my classes in a beneficial way for the students.
Harry B
Sept. 22, 2011, 8 p.m.
I am currently a 12 year experienced English Educator at a Community College and Secondary English level at various high school, public and private.
I am now located in Mexico City, working at ASF (American School Foundation) as the Assistant Librarian and Media Specialist. I plan on staying in Mexico City to maximize my experiences of developing technology in a different environment.
I love grant writing, working with environmental issues, nd of course, as an English instructor, love world literature!
Standard Set Answer:
I am interested in this topic because I am due to present at NCTE in Chicago in November, as well as present as ASOMEX in Mexico City this weekend! :) Any fine tuning I can do will help others as well as myself!
I hope to acheive a more thorough knowledge of the resources tied to technology, education, and innovation and this seems to be all three wrapped in one.
I am interested in helping with the organization as I get more familiar with this overall program!
Sept. 21, 2011, 2:57 p.m.
Location: school
Standard Set Answer:
I work directly with faculty/staff/administration in our 7-12 building. I hope to learn more about web 2.0 to bring back to the staff. I also am interested in learning how other schools are using cell phones and social media sites, as well as other technology in the classroom.
Sept. 21, 2011, 1:06 p.m.
I teach Information Technology for a public charter school.
Location: Oregon
Standard Set Answer:
I am using a couple Web2.0 tools and would like to maximize the tools to increase the students' learning.
I would like to improve my instructional strategies in the classroom.
Tony Allan
Sept. 17, 2011, 9:31 a.m.
Business Vocational Teaching UAE and Australia
Sales in Wholesale Fast Moving Consumer Goods Australia
Business Owner in Small Entrepenurial Enterprises
Assessment and cirriculum development
Travel and cultural diversity
Location: Abu Dhabi
Standard Set Answer:
Why Interested?
I think e-learning has great things to offer the teaching proffession and they are not yet mainstream. I want to know more.
Achieve by participating?
A better understanding of learning communities on a topic that is of genuine interest to me.
Interested in organising?
No. This is my first time in a learning community. I want to see how it works before I organise.
Sept. 14, 2011, 11:47 a.m.
I am an 8th grade Social Studies teacher at an independent school in Raleigh, NC. I recently graduated from North Carolina State University with a B.S. in Middle Grades Education and am currently working on my M.Ed at North Carolina State Univeristy in their New Literacies & Global Learning major.
Location: Raleigh, NC
Standard Set Answer:
I am interested in this topic becuase I truly believe that education and the methods in which we teach children is changing as we speak and in order to follow the trends educators must be skilled in a 21st century skill-set. As a recent college graduate, I have some knowledge of methods in which I can use social networking, like Twitter, in my classroom but am extremely interested in expanding my knowledge.
I hope to achieve a greater knowledge of how to use social networking in my classroom as well as to have a knowledge of the limitations there are with regards to using the web in class procedures.
I am not interested in helping with course organization.
Sept. 13, 2011, 11:17 p.m.
Location: San Jose, CA
Standard Set Answer:
In our county, I help lead a progression of trainings for Common Core State Standards. I'd like to hear from others nationwide how they are using web2.0 tools and social media to tie to common core, engage students and deepen learning.
Jeff Stutzman
Sept. 13, 2011, 11:21 a.m.
I'm a high school English teacher-mostly freshmen-and a speech/debate coach. I'm always looking for new ideas that allow students to interact more with their own learning as opposed to simply taking notes from the board or a powerpoint presentation.
An avid reader, I also stay as current as I can with contemporary YA literature. (I'm a bit jealous of the quality and quantity that the current generation has in this area.)
Location: Indiana
Standard Set Answer:
1. I'm currently reading Cathy Davidson's book Now You See It and have been inspired to examine my current practices in the classroom. I'm working toward completely changing the way my classroom and curriculum is structured and this course seems as though it will help me with that.
2. I'm hoping that this experience will offer me a chance to discuss some of my ideas about using social media in the classroom as well as allow me to experiment some while I work on the curriculum for the spring.
3. I'm willing help out however I can, although I'm not sure how valuable my input will be. Perhaps once I am able to see how this type of professional development experience works, I will be able to offer more assistance and insight.
Sept. 8, 2011, 10:54 a.m.
I live in Mirano a little town near Venice in Italy. I graduated in Statistics and Economics. I've been a teacher since 1985 and always worked in high schools.
Location: Italy
Standard Set Answer:
Share experiences with the participants about teaching with Web 2.0
Sept. 7, 2011, 10:49 p.m.
I currently teach a group of 13-20 year old students with disabilities. I am also K-12 ICT coordinator at the school which I teach at. In my spare time I play golf, go surfing and fishing. I love the ocean!
Location: Mount Gambier, Australia
Standard Set Answer:
Im interested in this topic because I am a keen user of web2.0 and would like to advance my skills both with web2.0 as well as social media within the classroom. I am passionate about integrating technology into curriculum and I feel that web2.0 is a great set of tools which can be utilised further within education. Im also interested in social media in education and as there is not much of this happening in Australia I would like to gain some insight into the posibilites of using Social media in education.
I hope to further my skills and knowledge in the areas of social media and web2.0 through participating. I also hope to then be able to share my learning with the staff at my school to encourage the use of ICT to generate deeper thinking.
I would be very interested in helping out with course organization. I
Sept. 7, 2011, 1:56 p.m.
Location: Portland, Maine
Standard Set Answer:
I'm interesting in learning and teacher professional development because i manage a citizen science/ science education program. We do a lot of professional development with teachers and educators in Maine. I'm always looking for ways to make it better. We're starting to explore how to offer professional development effectively online.
The program i manage has a significant web presence. We're very interested in fostering more interaction between participants as a way to deepen engagement and learning.
Marcia Klimes
Sept. 6, 2011, 12:34 p.m.
I'm an avid life-long learner. I like golfing, gardening, playing bridge, and spending time with my four kids and their families. My husband farm a few acres in Northwest Iowa.
Location: Rock Rapids, IA
Standard Set Answer:
I'm interested in anything more that I can learn to be better at using and communicating with students and colleagues on the computer or other digital devices. Our students are "in the know" and I want to be, too.
I hope to be able to devise a way to set up a French club for my students online. I have students from all over the world in all time zones, so communication via Social Media would be tremendously useful I would like to develop individual and group acitivities for our club in which our club can participate, set specific meeting times, use videos and other tools to enhance real time gatherings, and use some time of tele-conferencing where all participants can speak and be heard.
No, I'm not interested in helping with the course organization.
Miss Claudine
Sept. 4, 2011, 1:11 a.m.
I teach students in another country English as a Foreign Language as well as university students when in USA.
Standard Set Answer:
I teach 4th graders this year in another country where technology isn't used often. I want to learn more and hopefully find a way to get more technology in my classroom without me paying too much for it since most will likely come out of my pocket.
I hope to find cost effective ways to incorporate technology in my classroom.
If there is something I may contribute, sure.
Sept. 2, 2011, 6:40 a.m.
Location: Malta
Standard Set Answer:
I am planning to follow a PGCE.
The topics discussed can help me understand and learn more about education.
I hope to achieve a deeper understanding of the learning process.
Unfortunately I have little expertise in education so any aid in the course will be both minimal and bound by the very limited time I have.
Sept. 1, 2011, 1:05 p.m.
MA in Curriculum and Instruction, Specializing in Educational Development of Learning Technologies
BS in Elementary Education, Specializing in Science and Language Arts
Location: Las Cruces, NM
Standard Set Answer:
I am always interested in what other educators are doing with social media. I hope to learn more about P2PU and how learning opportunities work here. I hope to expand my PLN. I would be willing to offer feedback on the course organization.
Bob Lamons
Sept. 1, 2011, 11:06 a.m.
Science Teacher, Cyclist, Grandfather
Location: Fairfax County, Virginia
Standard Set Answer:
My kids and my students talk about this stuff all the time. I know what it is but need to undertand it and learn how to involve my students in learning through these avenues.
I hope to learn more about the technology and how to implement it in my classroom and courses.
I will help with things I fell comfortable helping with.