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Week 1 - Reflective Task (Oct 3-9, 2011)

This week we will reflect on the following short readings and video related to deeper learning and social media. Please read and watch the materials below and then respond to the Reflective Task questions by clicking “Post Comment” in the upper right corner of this page.

READING #1: Deeper Learning (Hewlett Foundation)

READING #2: Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture: Media Education for the 21st Century (Executive Summary only, MIT/MacArthur Foundation)

VIDEO #1: Digital Media Empower Youth (Edutopia)


1) Using Hewlett’s definition of “deeper learning,” we (Anna and Chris) believe that Deeper learning covers:

  • core content knowledge
  • critical thinking
  • complex problem solving
  • working in collaboration
  • effective communication
  • learning how to learn
  • global perspective
  • ____________ (fill in the blank)

Global perspective is our own addition. What else would you add to the list?

2) How does reading #2 (Confronting the Challenges...) relate to social media and deeper learning? What are the implications for your classroom or school?

3) Are there any strategies or activities from video #1, that you can use to promote deeper learning in your own classroom? Please cite a specific example and explain how you would modify the strategy or activity for use in your own classroom.

4) We welcome you to comment on your colleagues’ responses.

Task Discussion

  • Christopher Batchelder   Oct. 10, 2011, 5:01 a.m.

    I'm noticing that a lot of the comments you are posting are focused on real world application, life experience or producing/collaborating on the production of a tangible meaningful output.   

    I want draw attention to the following list of "skills" from the Participatory Culture article.  Students are already practicing these skills in their use of social media - how can we as educators harness this? 


    Play — the capacity to experiment with one’s surroundings as a form of problem-solving Performance — the ability to adopt alternative identities for the purpose of improvisation and discovery
    Simulation — the ability to interpret and construct dynamic models of real-world processes
    Appropriation — the ability to meaningfully sample and remix media content
    Multitasking — the ability to scan one’s environment and shift focus as needed to salient details.
    Distributed Cognition — the ability to interact meaningfully with tools that expand mental capacities
    Collective Intelligence — the ability to pool knowledge and compare notes with
    others toward a common goal
    Judgment — the ability to evaluate the reliability and credibility of different information sources
    Transmedia Navigation — the ability to follow the flow of stories and information across multiple modalities
    Networking — the ability to search for, synthesize, and disseminate information
    Negotiation — the ability to travel across diverse communities, discerning and respecting multiple perspectives, and grasping and following alternative norms.
  • cinmil   Oct. 9, 2011, 12:57 p.m.
    1. I would add to the list "application of real world learning" because if students can't make a connection to the importance of what they are learning then they are learning it for the sake of learning it or for some type of standardized test, and not for the deeper learning experience we want them to develop in our classrooms.
    2. Social media is being used to encourage the culture of deeper learning by enhancing students' learning abilities in being able to develop their opinions in voicethreads and other online communities; their creative expressions in digital stories and other online literary media; and in developing their online collaboration skills with their peers and those across the world in projects that can make a difference.  The implications for my classroom and school is being able to properly train students to use social media in a way that is beneficial, ethical, and respectful to them, as well as showing them the consequences of using these tools for inappropriate purposes.  I think we need to realize that even though schools decide to filter out some of these social media tools, our students are still using them beyond our school walls and need to learn how these tools can benefit and hurt them in order to experience deeper learning.
    3. I think the specific strategy I would use is how media impacts students today in our society.  I know the video talked about how they use this strategy for girls in the "Digital Queendom" pod, but I would modify this strategy and get all students involved in learning the many ways media is directed toward our teens to buy into something or believe in something that may or may not be good for them.  I teach an online Digital & Interactive Media course that involves students creating a digital video portfolio, so I plan on adding this component to the portfolio by dsiplaying the different media messages being sent to teenagers today and then asking students to develop a particular media message they believe could have a more positive and effective difference on their peers today.
  • Christopher Batchelder   Oct. 10, 2011, 5:09 a.m.
    In Reply To:   cinmil   Oct. 9, 2011, 12:57 p.m.

    I love the idea you posted in #3 - have students analyze the message gets them thinking critically about the messages that they are consuming every day - but then taking it a level further to have them create an alternative requires a lot of creativity and synthesis from the students. 

  • Jennifer Claro   Oct. 7, 2011, 6:05 p.m.

    Answers to questions 1 and 2

    1) I’d add multiple perspectives. For example, in history we need voices like Howard Zinn who challenge mainstream views of history. In current affairs, we need independent journalists to counter the effects of mass media.

    2) Social media provide an environment for distributed cognition: opportunities to learn, to collaborate and pool resources, and do things you couldn’t do on your own. It’s this collaboration that I see as so valuable for my students.

    To get social media into my classroom, I have to first get into every aspect of social media myself. I have a blog, I tweet, I’m passively following a MOOC at , I read others’ blogs (mostly those who I follow on Twitter, but others too), but I need to get more involved. Here’s a snip from my blog at ,

    “In a recent study by Austin, Smyth, Rickard, Quirk-Bolt & Metcalf (2010), researchers found that the level of engagement of teachers in collaborative learning had a positive effect on the success of collaboration of their students. This is very important! The less engaged in collaboration the teacher was, the less successful was the collaboration of her students. Therefore if we hope to reap the benefits of collaborative learning for our students, we had better get collaborating ourselves!

  • Jennifer Claro   Oct. 7, 2011, 6:03 p.m.

    I broke up my answers into 2 posts. Here's my answer to question 3.

    3) The message of the video for me was something like “Digital skills lead to empowerment.” Of course this doesn’t happen on its own; this is a structured program taught by capable teachers who have experience in the fields they are helping their students to engage in. (This is why I think as teachers we need to be master dabblers; dabble in everything! Who knows what might be useful in our classes?).

    From the video, some activities I’d like to try are digital storytelling, video production, podcasts, etc. (but no games :) as well as the presentation of their projects in class, and giving and getting critical feedback on them.

    In short, I’d like to get my students into creating their own content in a wide variety of ways. Then they could put their content online (in a closed environment, at least at first) and provide feedback for each other. I want my students to be able to move from consumers to producers and collaborators. That will take a lot of work! :)

  • Hanna   Oct. 5, 2011, 3:09 p.m.

    1) Using Hewlett’s definition of “deeper learning,” we (Anna and Chris) believe that Deeper learning covers:

    • core content knowledge
    • critical thinking
    • complex problem solving
    • working in collaboration
    • effective communication
    • learning how to learn
    • global perspective
    • ____________ (fill in the blank)

    Global perspective is our own addition. What else would you add to the list?

    I would add: application of learning to life experiences/challenges

    2) How does reading #2 (Confronting the Challenges...) relate to social media and deeper learning? What are the implications for your classroom or school?

    Reading #2 relates to social media because it discusses how students view the online world. They are using it as a social media tool, along with a tool to express themselves, but currently this is occurring primarily outside of the schools and learning. As a result students are not understanding the implications or the consequences of what they put online. Guidelines and ethics are not being addressed to students. Looking at the deeper learning definitions above, this article contributes research skills, assessing reliability, technical skills, synthesizing sources, and analyzing perspectives to the definition of deeper learning. The article argues that media literacy should be viewed as social skills. This article implies that in order to prepare our students for careers and being a citizen, we need to provide opportunities for deeper learning that include the media literacy or social skills. Students need to learn how to use the social media in an appropriate manner, paying attention to ethics and being aware of how involvement online can be a great influence.

    3) Are there any strategies or activities from video #1, that you can use to promote deeper learning in your own classroom? Please cite a specific example and explain how you would modify the strategy or activity for use in your own classroom.

    There were two strategies that I really liked in the video. The first was the opportunity that was provided for students to give each other feedback. We have forums in my science classes, but mostly discussion is based on questions that I have developed and asked students to respond to. I could modify a forum in my class, and make it a place where students need to post something which other students then provide feedback to. I would have to teach my students how to give constructive feedback. The second strategy that I really liked was the mentoring program for the Digital Youth Network. Wow, having a mentor for younger students to learn from in the area of social media and technology skills would be very beneficial.

  • Anonym   Oct. 3, 2011, 9:56 a.m.



    1) Using Hewlett’s definition of “deeper learning,” I believe the deeper learning includes the idea of nurturing individual potential and fosters the idea of students being able to thrive in a 21st century environment.


    2) I would definitely argue that the social media has something to to do with the types of learning that students are interested in doing. As a middle school teacher I feel it's my responsibility to ensure students have an understanding of how education is going to benefit them within the interdependent world we live in. I believe that to ensure students have a deeper understanding of learning that they must adhere to the challenges that face them in and outside of the classroom. 

    3) I feel that from the video, technology was being used to combat education at its finest moment. A teacher leader will be able to use technology in a savvy way to ensure that students are gaining content knowledge but are infusing 21st century skills to prepare them for the future. As a member of an independent school faculty we integrate technology in everyday instruction but often times are confronted with the rational of how students are going to contextualize the information we teach them and the skills we enforce and use the throughout content areas.


  • Mireille   Sept. 29, 2011, 10:20 p.m.

    I can't add much more than what has been said but I'm defintiely going to look at some of the resources mentioned. 

    I'm creating a wiki for the Student Engagement course I'm on I think will create one for this one as well.


  • Tony Allan   Sept. 29, 2011, 1:32 p.m.

    Deeper Learning

    I think the article describes "love of learning" as much as deeper learning.  Love of learning like the over used phrase "Life long learning" is about about having a constant desire to learn that seems to be needed in uncertain and changing environments.

    If I was to define "Deeper learning" without having read the article I would have said it is; like a process after which you have enhanced understanding and skill of previously defined area.

    Participatory Culture and how it relates to social media and deeper learning

    Maybe the framework of eduction is changing globally as a consequence of participatory culture.  Maybe deeper learning can be achieved more effectively if educational institutions used social media to guide students toward constructive and productive outcomes.

    A model of education built on guidance of social exchange would NOT fit neatly in the current educational model of most countries which is prescriptive.  For example: Cirriculum + Delivery Design + Learning Resource + Assessment = Desired Outcome.

    What I am trying to say if I have not lost you already is:

    A participatory learning culture may need to emerge to an undefined end.

    A prescriptive learning culture is measured by comparing result to a defined end.

    So as educators maybe we need to change.

    I will come back to the last question later.

    Cheers All

  • karen   Oct. 1, 2011, 12:56 p.m.
    In Reply To:   Tony Allan   Sept. 29, 2011, 1:32 p.m.

    I like your identification of "love of learning" as a huge part of deep learnign. (I wrote about something similar a few months back.)

    If we can inspire a passion for learning, a lot of other things fall into place.

  • Christopher Batchelder   Oct. 3, 2011, 8:48 a.m.
    In Reply To:   Tony Allan   Sept. 29, 2011, 1:32 p.m.


    Tony, I'm struck by two of the lines you wrote.

    "A participatory learning culture may need to emerge to an undefined end.

    A prescriptive learning culture is measured by comparing result to a defined end."

    I think if you asked most people, When are you going to be done learning?  They would say - never.  It's a lifelong process.  I'm always learning.  But if you ask when are you done with Education - they would say when I get my degree or when I graduate.  Big difference.  

    So we could almost say that education is putting a box around learning!   

    If we take education out of the box what does it become? 

  • Anna   Oct. 3, 2011, 8:59 a.m.
    In Reply To:   Tony Allan   Sept. 29, 2011, 1:32 p.m.

    You wrote, "A prescriptive learning culture is measured by comparing result to a defined end. So as educators maybe we need to change."

    Great point! Education is obsessed with objectives and outcomes. Sometimes we just need to let students play and see what emerges organically. I suspect we'd see lots of deeper learning emerge. (See commentary on play below).

  • tbraught   Sept. 27, 2011, 3:56 p.m.


    Reflective Task Answers:

    1.     How to use tools at your disposal to solve a problem, whether the tool was used as it intended purpose or used to creatively solve the problem


    2.     There were three things about the video that I appreciated.  Learning takes place when the students are motivated and know what they want to learn. They will begin to critique each other’s work which indicates to me that they are learning to think at a deeper level. If the students are motivated, they will spend the extra time to learn more and to understand the concepts better.  I learned a long time ago to not hinder their learning.  I ran a robotics’ team for seven years and was amazed at how the students would solve a problem.  They were willing to put in 30 extra hours a week to design, build, and re-engineer a robot for competition.  Failure would be a disappointment, but they would immediately go back to the drawing board and learn from what didn’t work.


    3.     The social media (SM) applications are tools to help facilitate deeper learning. I am learning that in order to use the SM tools in the classroom, the students still need guided instruction in how to shift from a shallow personal use of the SM tools. Even if they know how to use the app, they still do not understand the full power of the application. The students themselves will help make the shift.  For example, I will post a weekly discussion topic for the students to comment.  At first the posts were short and the comments were even shorter.  I would ask clarifying questions to get a “deeper” answer from them.  Now with my seniors I no longer have to ask the clarifying questions.  The posts are well thought out and the students will challenge each other with their posts. They are also leading the juniors as to how they should respond online.  I’m also seeing a new way students are organizing their brainstorming activities.  It has become more collaborative when using a shared file than using pen and paper.  The challenge is when they leave my classroom.  What do they have at home?  What are the parents allowing the students to access at home?  I was going to do a cell phone activity until I surveyed that class and found out that three students did not have a cell phone.  I discarded the lesson because one of the students felt inferior without a cell phone.

    I had to smile at one of the new skills – play.  In the mid-90’s, I was asked how to get the teachers to use more technology in their classroom.  My response was to let them play with the tool.  The administrators saw “playing” as a waste of time.  The students are the best to teach instructors how to “play” with the tools.

  • Anna   Oct. 3, 2011, 8:56 a.m.
    In Reply To:   tbraught   Sept. 27, 2011, 3:56 p.m.

    Great example (Re: robotics competition). I think people love to wrap their heads around tough problems when the problems are given within the "right" context. Per your "failure" comment, have a look at the recent NYTimes article, "What if the Secret to Success is Failure?"

    Have you seen Dan Pink's book and talk on the "surprising truth about what motivates us"? See YouTube video here. Study after study shows that people (of all ages and cultures) are motivated by autonomy, mastery and purpose. The challenge as educators is to create activites and asignments that give students autonomy and where they feel a sense of improving at something they care about. 

    Per your "play" comment, isn't the goal to have work feel like play - i.e. something we enjoy immensely! Agreed - time to get students teaching instructors how to play!

  • Christopher Batchelder   Oct. 3, 2011, 8:57 a.m.
    In Reply To:   tbraught   Sept. 27, 2011, 3:56 p.m.

    What I'm getting from your response is the importance of empowering students - giving students the chance to understand their personal agency and impact that they can have on real world problems if they apply themselves.  If students learn to do that they will be well on their way to becoming massively productive.  

    I think technology can definitely be an enabler of this.  But as you note, it doesn't come naturally.  I think your point on direct instruction is spot on. 

  • Harry B   Sept. 27, 2011, 12:23 a.m.


    READING #1: Deeper Learning (Hewlett Foundation)

    READING #2: Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture: Media Education for the 21st Century (Executive Summary only, MIT/MacArthur Foundation)

    VIDEO #1: Digital Media Empower Youth (Edutopia)


    1) Using Hewlett’s definition of “deeper learning,” we (Anna and Chris) believe that Deeper learning covers:

    • core content knowledge
    • critical thinking
    • complex problem solving
    • working in collaboration
    • effective communication
    • learning how to learn
    • global perspective
    • ____________ (fill in the blank)

    Global perspective is our own addition. What else would you add to the list?


    I would definitely add divergent thinking.  It is truly a skill needed to multitask, and to achieve deep understanding.  This is difficult as most people can do multiple tasks, but do they depply learn those while multitasking? Some yes, some no.  It seems though that people can multitask,but the part of their bran is silent that usually focuses on deep understanding while a lighter understanind occurs based on the part of their brain that is used to lightly taking in informtion.  Is that what we want, a generation who can lightly understand everything?  Constantly developing a skill is to be always trying to find a better and more economical way to perform, and I feel divergent thinking is a process to strengthen the thinking process while multi tasking.  There are still alot of individuals pieces of research out that show with all the pieces of technology we have, ipads, i phones, ovoo, skype, backchanneling and so much more, it might be distracting rather than beneficial?


    2) How does reading #2 (Confronting the Challenges...) relate to social media and deeper learning? What are the implications for your classroom or school?

    I like the fact that this organization saw many years ago a need for an increasing need to address the coming technological age. I think they pridced conflicts as well as challenges, and began investing in grants and studies to meet this needs.  We just had a speaker, Marco Torres, please see this video of him:


    I liked his underlying them of having alot of STUFF, but making sure the learning is evident without just a way of saying, "I use technology!"  Interesting thing he did too in his presentation, he showed younger stars of their own businesses, and they used technology and innovation.  Teachers did not have to use every single new bit of software out there, they just used the minor resources they had to break out and be sucessful using the technology they had available with the different needs their students had.  I like the connection between showing the younger entrepreneurs here and the ones Marco showed to kick off our technology conference this past weekend.  

    I believe social learning has to be personal and mean something to the individual to obtain the added element of creating a passion to finish a project as well as adding creativity.  I think since technology is so easily accessible, it is importat to teach students socially how to differentiate and moderate the tools that are available.  

    3 ) Response to video

    After watching the video on learning in the classroomn in Chicago, I did feel inspired that a group of students made a push to something that normally would not. (And initiated by a teacher willing to embrace change and lose a bit of control over the classroom). Their tireless ideas became real and published (and encouraged) which I feel put a reality stamp on he idea of actual learning taking place.  They will remember these classes.. A strategy I hope to use is have a variety of students (library aides) do informational videos on various aspects of the Library suh as:

    the checking out laptop process, how to effectively use databases, how to access some free online tools, haow to use our online catalog system Destiny, but I would do a little at a time to process each new tool with the student and the process to make it with each student.  I like the phrase, Sharing is Caring, and I see part of improving education coming from the ability to take in practices as well as give time out to peers, mentors, and others that can be taught how to operate - this is a form of deep learning; sharing with a person through peer teaching, as well as incorporating cultural Mexico in one of many ways through learning.  I see some styles of learning universal, whether Washington, Chicago, or Mexico: The need for divergent thinking, collaboration, technology as a vehicle to encourage these skills that really are not new.  It is quite easy to combine old school thinking with new strategies of technology, as long as a strong foundation and purpose for the technologye exists.  I am all for any sort of collaboration, from Socratic discussions using Back channel methods, to literature circles, to peer mentoring and editing, using online submission programs to do the reading/checking/editing online, the possiblities are endless pending the ability of the students.

    I like the idea of the Queening, as if you look at ethos, logos, and pathos, they target specific aspects in an audience, and up to a certan point, males were targeted in Nike and athletic ads, then with the advent of female athlete success, that opened up.  I think the best way to change stereotypes of women are throught the trends in society, and technllogy is certainly a large one.  Magazines are a large force that set many stereotypes of women, this is a great tool to empower women younger so they do not feel as if they have to fit into a certain pattern or box for society.

  • Anna   Oct. 3, 2011, 8:44 a.m.
    In Reply To:   Harry B   Sept. 27, 2011, 12:23 a.m.

    Thanks Harry. Your point on "divergent thinking" is a critical one. Do you have any concrete examples from the classroom/library of how you might teach divergent thinking? I've spoken with some teachers that use "Six Thinking Hats" to encourage this process.

    I must admit that with so many projects, online communties, emails, Skype messages, etc that I see every day, I must actively carve out time to think deeply. Writing blog posts/white papers or presenting are helpful tools to get me thinking deeply.

    I ran across an article in Wired magazine (that I can't find at the moment) that looked at a number of studies that found that kids often retain more from digital texts void of videos, hyperlinks, etc. I suspect the studies were looking at responses to multiple choice questions. I wonder if the tests measured evidence of "deeper learning" that they would find that kids actually benefit from watching videos/doing simulations, etc. Or are such multimedia "additions" to traditional texts more of a distraction than a conduit to deeper learning?

  • Harry B   Oct. 3, 2011, 10:12 p.m.
    In Reply To:   Anna   Oct. 3, 2011, 8:44 a.m.

    One example is when I thought of literature circles I never thought of having students be aroind a microphone and recording all the literature circles discussions, and then making podcasts.  These podcasts could become instruments and tools for schools like the visually impaired, and could encourage a relationshp between these schools.


    Additionally, I never thought of taking old film negatives, dipping in bleach overnight, until they are clear, wash them, and have students make filmstrips out of them with markers to retell stories at an elementary level.  Then slide the negatives through the old film projectors and one person is the mover of the slides, the other is the speaker/dialogue.


    Or just pass clown noes to everyone, have them put them on, and take 5 pics using photo booth.  Then moved to another computer of a student, mimic 5 of their pictures added to the ones they did, (pcik 5 faces, like sad, happy, surprised, etc) and then come back around and have the students do a story board and movie using i move and this shows creativity and narration using media, as well as a good old fashioned clown nose.


    My purpose is, a brand new state of the art technology is not needed to use divergent thinking, yes, let's use technology, but every once in awhile let's use not tehnological sources for ideas to make the times we do use technolgy more effective and appreciate!  Divergent thinking does not have to be connected to technology, correct?


  • kmease   Oct. 17, 2011, 2:25 p.m.
    In Reply To:   Harry B   Oct. 3, 2011, 10:12 p.m.

    "but every once in awhile let's use not tehnological sources for ideas to make the times we do use technolgy more effective and appreciate!".... love this, Harry B!

  • kmease   Sept. 26, 2011, 9:30 a.m.

    Video of DIgital Youth Network.  A couple things stuck out for me:

    1. "Digital Queening".... girls create media to better reflect themselves. What a great way to use both technology and get girls to think about issues that directly affect them.

    2. “New way of learning, thinking, working and socializing. It’s not a fad, and not a trend.”  Exactly! Too many schools are not embracing this "new way of life"... it's not going away, so we need to learn to use it.

    3. “…use technology in personal development and learning.”

  • Harry B   Sept. 27, 2011, 5:07 a.m.
    In Reply To:   kmease   Sept. 26, 2011, 9:30 a.m.

    When you say not going away, I think of the struggles of cell phones and policies in the schools.  I see it easier to embrace it rather than fight it, but the issue still is, appropriate use of the technology!  :)

  • Anna   Oct. 3, 2011, 8:25 a.m.
    In Reply To:   kmease   Sept. 26, 2011, 9:30 a.m.

    Great point to emphasize this "new way of life". How do you think we should get all (or at least more) teachers on board with this in a systemic way that ultimately benefits the teachers and students? 

    When I facilitate ICT workshops with "traditional" teachers, the key turning point for many of them is when they see their students light up while doing project based digital assignments. The trick is continuing to innovate the assignments and use of the technology. Kids get bored quickly. It is not enough to have a blog and stick to a particular style of posts. Teachers that I work with keep saying they feel "pressure" to constantly experiment. This of course takes time! We should get the students involved in this process of creating ways to use technology to enhance classroom and at home learning.

  • Anna   Oct. 3, 2011, 8:26 a.m.
    In Reply To:   Harry B   Sept. 27, 2011, 5:07 a.m.

    Agreed. Appropriate use is critical! How do you think that should be taught?

    Via direct instruction ;-P.

  • Anna   Oct. 3, 2011, 8:30 a.m.
    In Reply To:   Harry B   Sept. 27, 2011, 5:07 a.m.

    One activity that I've used to teach "appropriate use" is to put the word "AGREE" on one classroom wall, "UNSURE" on another wall and "DISAGREE" on a 3rd wall. Then read off a number of scenarios (e.g., Teachers and students should not be friends on Facebook, All teachers should use blogs, etc.). After each scenario, students then have to go to the wall that represents their opinion, summarize that opinion with the others at the same wall and then have a spokesperson debate the other walls from their p.o.v. At the end of the series of debates, the class then puts together an "Appropriate Use Policy".

  • kmease   Oct. 17, 2011, 2:28 p.m.
    In Reply To:   Anna   Oct. 3, 2011, 8:30 a.m.

    I just read this---what a fantastic idea!!!

  • Alex   Sept. 26, 2011, 8:09 a.m.

    2) How does reading #2 (Confronting the Challenges...) relate to social media and deeper learning? What are the implications for your classroom or school?


    Reading number 2 shows that students that we are teaching are creating online content which is of a high standard everyday. It is also showing that the majority of this content creation is happening outside of the classroom, and as teachers this is an issue. We should be embracing the online creation and encourage our students to be creating online as to show off their skills therefore creating a positive digital foot print. This shows that the interaction with social media students are using the deeper thinking skills suggested in reading 1, they are showing that they have a knowledge of the content that they are creating (not always rigorous) they are many times solving problems and thinking critically especially when playing or creating games, there is always collaboration and for many of these publications our students are communicating very successfully with their peers all around the world, there are no barriers. The implications for schools are:

    - There is a need to move forward and away from the traditional pencil, paper, teacher student model.

    - Embrace modern technologies such as mobile phones and tablet devices to encourage anytime anywhere learning.

    - Have a type of digital citizenship curriculum which teaches students about the positive and successful ways to publish online.

    to be continued......

    Sorry if there is a mix of ramblings in this post.




  • Harry B   Sept. 27, 2011, 5:09 a.m.
    In Reply To:   Alex   Sept. 26, 2011, 8:09 a.m.

    I do like the fact that I can imterchange between pencil and electronic, similar to testng students on a calculator and without.  I feel they are thay much stronger in able to express themsleves on both platforms, similar to being trained on a Mac and on a PC...there is definitely strength in having the mental process working through both platforms.  


    I like that you used the term embrace, as I think that is what is needed for sure.


  • Alex   Sept. 27, 2011, 8:19 a.m.
    In Reply To:   Harry B   Sept. 27, 2011, 5:09 a.m.

    I also agree that there is a need for many different mediums within the classroom, i suppose I am more looking at "pencil, paper, teacher, student" as a model where the teacher is the director and the students listen, write and do what they are told. I would like to see education continue to move towards flexible spaces, collaboration, teachers as facilitators and mentors, and technology been an integral part of the daily education, as well as paper, pencils, paint etc.

  • Anna   Oct. 3, 2011, 8:19 a.m.
    In Reply To:   Alex   Sept. 26, 2011, 8:09 a.m.

    I agree that there is definitely a space for technology and pencil/paper. The key quesion I am always trying to solve with the teachers I work with is, "When is technology a true value add?"

    For example, if a student videos himself giving an oral book report and then shows the video to his classmates during class, is that technology component a value add over just inviting the child to present "in-person"? It all boils down to intentions and objectives I suppose. For example if the child is learning about video editing or multimedia project planning, there is clear rationale for the use of video. But, if the video recording takes a ton of time and doesn't teach the child anything new, I think 1) dump the tech or 2) modify the assignment in a way that encourages learning not only about content, but about multimedia, project planning, collaboration, etc.

    I would like to see more wholistic frameworks and methodologies evolve around using tech as a value add in the classroom. The ISTE NETS are a great start (they address digital citizenship btw), but I would like to see more added in terms of practical explanations, methologies, etc.