Mix Vegetable Cutlet Recipe in Hindi

Mix Vegetable Cutlet Recipe in Hindi

Preparation time - Almost same as video length.


2-3 people


બાફેલી બટેટા/ Boiled potato / उबले आलू

ડુંગળી/ onion/ प्याज

લીલા મરી/ Green pepper/ हरी मिर्च

લાલ મરી/ Red pepper/ लाल मिर्च

ગાજર/ carrot / गाजर

લીલી મરચા/ green chilli / हरी मिर्च

લસણ / garlic / लहसुन

આદુ લસણ પેસ્ટ/ Ginger garlic paste / अदरक लहसुन का पेस्ट

લાલ મરચું પાવડર/ Red chilli powder / लाल मिर्च पाउडर

હળદર પાવડર/ Turmeric powder / हल्दी पाउडर

ચાસ મસાલા પાવડર/ Chat masala powder / चैट मसाला पाउडर

બ્રેડ કાગડા/ Bread crumbs / ब्रेडक्रम्ब्स

મકાઈનો લોટ/ Corn flour / मक्के का आटा

પાકકળા તેલ/ Cooking oil / खाना पकाने का तेल

મીઠું/ Salt / नमक

Products in this video:

Shop Cookware, Gas stoves, Kitchen Storage & Containers, Kitchen tools, Tableware, Bakeware and more using following link. Which help us to raise money to run this channel.


Tools use to record and edit this video:

Samsung Galaxy S6

Nikon D5100 DSLR

gopro hero 5 - https://goo.gl/PBYUgJ

sony tripod vct-r100 - http://amzn.to/2Ajg5rU

Vanguard Aluminium Tripod Espod CX 203 AGH With PISTOL GRIP BALL HEAD - https://goo.gl/yBZRFy


Boya BY M1 Lavalier Microphone

camtasia studio 8

Adobe Premiere Pro CS6

Social media:

Blog- https://cookingindianvegetarianfood.blogspot.in Twitter - https://twitter.com/Cookindianfoodz Facebook - Cooking Indian Vegetarian food, Village food, Street food

CAUTION: PLEASE DON'T watch this video using earphones because we have not edited audios of pressure cooker whistle and other noises.

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Open Source Video Education Workshop


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