P2P learning? I'm in.
Location: United States
Standard Set Answer:Free education
Set and achieve goals
Anyone can follow a course on P2PU. Participating is the next level of engagement. The sign-up is a space where interested individuals can express their interest and background in the topic and commit to working with the rest of the participants. Please answer the following set(s) of questions if you want to become a participant or organizer.
This set of signup questions is common to all study groups, courses, ... in P2PU. The answers to these questions will be public once you get accepted.
P2P learning? I'm in.
Location: United States
Standard Set Answer:Free education
Set and achieve goals
I work as senior lecturer in automotive electronics at Metropolia University of Applied Sciences in Helsinki, Finland.
Location: Helsinki, Finland
Standard Set Answer:I found the course from @anya1anya's tweet. I have read about P2PU from her book "DIY U", but never tried.
In short, I have two goals for my participation:
I'm unfortunately very busy at work (I think everyone might be :-) and therefore I'm interested but not necessarily able to help with the course organization.
Location: Lexington, KY
Standard Set Answer:I currently work virtually with a large, national network of university professionals, collaborating and creating content online. We struggle sometimes in the best ways of converting face-to-face learning experinces into an online format. I hope to gain insight into how to use input from peers in a more open learning enviroment as well. I would be interested in helping as needed.
Aspiring polymath.
Location: Indianapolis, IN
Standard Set Answer:I believe in life-long education. We never truly graduate.
Hi! I'm a 23 y.o. Chemistry student in love with Plastic Electronics. I want to learn...well, everything I can, about everything there is.
I live in sunny Lisbon with my boyfriend and two cats.
Location: Lisbon, Portugal
Standard Set Answer:
I'm finishing my Master Thesis in Chemistry, in the topic of OLED technology, and I hope to one day help making Plastic Electronics a reality in everyday life. Because all my life has been in academia, I feel limited and a bit scared of independently joining the workforce. I'm looking to broaden my horizons, learning to do things on my own, and even looking into some topics that I feel lacking in my non-engineering background. As I gain confidence in myself, I hope I can help others overcome their own challenges.
Just another desk jockey looking for a better job!
Location: Sheridan, NY
Standard Set Answer:I am interested in this topic because I dropped out of college after 1.5 (less than stellar) semesters. At 18, I had a 2-year-old child to take care of and the work/college balance wasn't working for me. I am now 44 and without a college credential. I spent some money back in the 90s trying to finish up my degree, but I didn't do it and now have student loan debt to pay off as well.
I hope to build a network of mentors who can help me hone in on my career interests so I can leave my secretary job and do something I really love. My husband is older than me and will retire soon, but I'll still need to work for another 15-20 years. I'd like to spend that time doing something I enjoy.
I'm interested in helping, but not sure what it involves. I don't have a lot of free time but I'm willing if it doesn't involve a lot of time.
Location: Frankfurt/ Germany
Standard Set Answer:- readings from Anya Kamentz
- more confidence in working and learning with social media
- sorry, no resources available
I am a Co-Team leader Professional Learning with the PLANE project in Australia
Location: Kiama
Standard Set Answer:I am very interested in learning and how to help others learn more effectively
Through participation in the course I hope to learn about quality course design and tweek my self learning abilities
If possible
I am a researcher and teacher in the area of higher education, especially in distance education.
Location: Hagen, Germany
Standard Set Answer:I am curious about the EduPunk movement and how they can impact higher education. I would like to explore and experiment with other people how we can utilize this concept for learning and teaching.
E-Learning Assistant in one life, basketball coach and enthusiast in the other. I want to help others to learn, perform and grow.
Location: Switzerland
Standard Set Answer:I am interested in the new ways the internet can help us learn. I hope to integrate the learnings in my professional work with students and my volunteering activities.
I hope to find people that share the same interests and be an active member of such a community.
Yes (if my time allows).
Web Landing Page:
Twitter: techfacil
Location: CO, USA
Standard Set Answer:I am interested in becoming a different kind of educator, which calls for a different kind of education. Rather than prescribed teacher training courses, I want to choose the learning that will allow me to be most successful in my chosen field. I've written several blog posts on this topic as digital evidence of where I am already heading:
I hope to end this school year with a self-directed expertise in student-led, inquiry based learning, and I believe participating in this course will help me meet that goal. Further, I would like to make some inroads into self-learning for educators being recognized and given some kind of value. Since certification is here to stay, I would like to see credit being given towards state educator certifications for alternative training.
I would be willing to help with the course organization.
A digital Knowmad who thinks in terms of people over place and likes to experiment in bringing the two together. My current question? How do we design emotionally engaging learning experiences for business and education? I like to think of myself as a learning designer (sounds fancy, right?) I am extremely fascinated with the future/now of learning.
Location: Oslo, Norway
Standard Set Answer:I first became interested in self-learning after taking what has become quite an extended gap year. I became even more intrigued after participating in a year-long learning program called Knowmads in Amsterdam. ( Working in a team of international entrepreneurs 'earning while learning' gave me the wildest year I have ever had.
I hope to achieve support/motivation, knowledge, and connections with potential collaborators who are also interested in this topic as I walk my path of learning!
I would most certainly be interested in helping with the course organization. In a way, I expect that everyone helps organize. I see this whole process as an opportunity to co-create!
Mellon postdoc in the Digital Scholarship Commons @ Emory U. I'm co-writing a book on how social media is changing the teaching & scholarship of William Blake.
Location: Atlanta, GA
Standard Set Answer: