Learn anything, with your peers.

At P2PU, people work together to learn a particular topic by completing tasks, assessing individual and group work, and providing constructive feedback.

This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at community.p2pu.org if that is a problem.

Activity Wall

    posted message: What’s up with the “constructor” property in JavaScript?
    posted message: Hi all. I would like to transition this course to a challenge set. The differences are subtle but challenges are the primary focus of P2PU. Challenges will allow us to show progress throughout the course. Some changes will include the sign-up process will be automatic, the external links section will change (we should create a page containing all of the external links, e.g. 'additional resources'), and the interface for the javascript 101 group will change. Are there any thoughts or objections regarding this pending transition? Thanks for your participation! --Brylie Oxley
    posted message: ATTENTION: INTRO TO JS PEEPS! I have begun a CSS course called CSS Bliss and Beyond. Seeing as Javascript is a front-end specialty in Web Design, I hope to see everyone from this course come over and compliment your JS with a little CSS. :)
    posted message: Hey everyone, I feel like I've been inactive for some time due to work. But I noticed we don't have anything on XMLHTTPRequests/ajax. I think this is an important part of JS especially to learn the raw code versus an abstraction of ajax via a framework. And then implement REST along with ajax, what do you think?
    posted message: @Carlos Hi Carlos, thank you for that, very interesting. I will copy your post to the "Participants Discussions" Task and we can talk about it there. Any participant that wants to raise questions about how the Study Group is organized can also post in there if they want to.
    posted message: What made you interested in this topic? I've been facing Js issues while developing under any web framework, so it's time to start understanding how Js core moreless works. What do you hope to achieve by participating? I'd like to learn the most of the actual buzzy Js framework such as JQuery, YUI, Node, Prototype, Scriptaculous... Are you interested in helping with the study group organization? Yes sure, as long as I could properly understand the terms I should teach...^^ An also understanding the lack of the overseas timing and the required time for that Cheers!!!
    posted message: Some followers have requested to participate but have not given answers to the questions: What made you interested in this topic? What do you hope to achieve by participating? Are you interested in helping with the study group organization? If you are one of these, you need to do that in order to be accepted.
    posted message: Word son!
    posted message: Andre I will copy your post to the "Learning/StudyPlans" Task and we can have the discussion in there rather than "on the Wall", OK?
    posted message: Should we cover ajax and json in this group? Even though modern ajax today will have programmers probably interact with a server side language, I still need to learn me some XML, and json kinda goes hand in hand with ajax...thoughts?
    posted message: http://new.p2pu.org/en/groups/clone/ I don't know if this works or not, apparently you can use it to clone an existing Study Group (something like forking code, I guess). So if you have an alternative idea for organizing a Javascript Study Group, I guess you can copy this one and reorganize it as you would like to. (Of course, you can still just start a new Study Group from scratch). Hmm, wonder how many Javascript Study Groups we will end up with?:-)
    posted message: I have put up a poll at http://snappoll.com/poll/369207.php Please go there and vote yes or no. (Been up for two and a half hours with 1 vote)
    posted message: I have put up a poll at http://snappoll.com/poll/369207.php Please go there and vote yes or no.
    posted message: Just to remind participants that you have the ability to create new Tasks (or amend existing Tasks) if you consider that that the existing Tasks do not adequately cover the situation. As an example you could create a Task to discuss "Javascript and the semicolon" (more serious than it sounds:-) Hopefully future UI improvements will allow a better organization of Tasks, meanwhile we will have to make do with what we have.
    posted message: Gray Ghost Visuals, I hope you won't mind if I copy your question to the "Frameworks and Repositories" Task thread. Answers should go there as well.
    posted message: How many participants in this study group use a js library? What library do you like to use and why(briefly)?
    posted message: Gray Ghost Visuals is also going to join in both as a learner and as an organizer once he has found his feet. Anyone would like to advise him where to start? (Let me know as well:-)
    posted message: holy smokes, where to start?
    posted message: I am delighted to announce that Shane Tomlinson has agreed to join us as an organizer. To quote him: "I am an active JS application developer, having developed a couple of large scale MVC based web apps in Javascript." Shane has a wealth of ideas to bring to the group, take advantage of the opportunity.
    posted message: If you are seeing a bunch of stuff on the front page, it is because I have added a feed to this blog in the Links section which is very good for ECMA stuff. I think what happens is when you first set up a feed it grabs a bunch of the most recent posts resulting in a bunch of messages on the page. Hopefully, we will now just get individual new posts when they are made.