Learn anything, with your peers.

At P2PU, people work together to learn a particular topic by completing tasks, assessing individual and group work, and providing constructive feedback.

This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at community.p2pu.org if that is a problem.

Activity Wall

    posted message: We have participants (those who were previously enrolled in a 6 Week "course") and other participants that have recently signed up. This is OK as the intention is to arrange the Study Group so that it is always running and that the knowledge base is always as up to date as possible. Then at any one time, some participants will know more than others depending on their progress through the material so please do not be afraid to ask questions, there is a good chance that someone will answer you. Once followers reach a certain level, they too may wish to participate (or even help organize).
    posted message: Since they are no longer confined to "Weeks" I have renamed Weeks 1 to 6 with their present/intended content. Participants who consider that there needs to be other Tasks in addition to these (or that these Tasks should be split into smaller ones) should feel free to add/split them.
    posted message: I just had a conversation on Google talk with one participant about the Google sites of participants. At the top of your site, there is a setting for "sharing" (it says "M&I", click on it) so you do not lose access. It is not necessary to use Google Sites unless you want to, you can use any blog or site that you choose.
    posted message: http://qa.p2pu.org/questions/87/what-is-the-difference-between-a-participant-and-a-follower
    posted message: After next Wednesday (theoretical end of Week3) we will no longer use the Google Apps as a container for the course. After that date, you will no longer be able to use the p2pu.umust.be login, so if there is any material that you want from the site, please make a copy of it before then. Some people may like to transfer some things as new Tasks eg Andre Dublins patterns material.
    posted message: There seems to be some confusion about how to participate in this group. In the left Sidebar are Tasks and Links intended to represent work you need to do to study Javascript. Where you start depends on what you know already (Week1 Task should be a good place for most people along with Intro for Followers). You may progress at the speed which suits you. When you have questions about Tasks, post it on the relevant page, anyone may answer you. I have created a new Task "How to Participate", if you have questions about that, post them there.
    posted message: @Krabat I posted a copy of your comment to Week2 Tasks. Any replies should also go there.
    posted message: I think the task of week2 was quite hard to accomplish and all the concepts of functions, objects, closures, this keyword and object inheritance are still new for us. Therefore maybe it would good if we could practise that a bit more. Personally, I think the practical/programming homework tasks were easy while the theoretical ones were really hard. @selfstudier, maybe you could provide the course with practical exercises regarding the above concepts? That would be really great and appreciated!
    posted message: Just a suggestion, Followers (if they want to) can work on Intro for Followers task. They can also use (again, if they want to) use the Old Forum to have discussions/ask questions. Participants might join in those discussions (I might too, if I have time).
    posted message: "are we not using any of the original forum or webpages that we had set up?" We are still using the webpages for assignments and Zoho for discussions. You may post links to your assignments in Zoho.
    posted message: Are we supposed to be reposting week 1 assignments in the new Zoho forum? I'm so confused. If so, are we not using any of the original forum or webpages that we had set up? Where are we supposed to post homework?
    posted message: Hi Melinda You can try the link at bottom left of this page. OR In the p2pu.umust.be navigation at the top where it says "more", click on that and you will get a dropdown menu that will load "Zoho discussions".
    posted message: I'm finally here - - still can't find the Zoho link but at least I've found this one! Melinda
    posted message: I'm finally here - - still can't find the Zoho link but at least I've found this one! Melinda
    posted message: Finally ,I'm in :)..Thanks Andre
    posted message: I signed out of Zoho, then followed the link to the forum and it worked.
    posted message: I could sign in ,but there isn't any discussion,I got an empty page with an option allow me to create portal !! Thanks
    posted message: Yea, that got it working. Thanks
    posted message: Does the link at the bottom left of this page work? Also, I think you are both Gmail users, have you enabled multiple signins? (This allows you to easily switch between different Google accounts).
    posted message: I also face same problem with Zoho !!