Just FYI to eveyone in the UK and all those who want a great reason to head to London (besides the clubs, theatres, shops, the queen... ). Head to the Mozilla Festival 4-6 Nov
Task Navigation
- 1. 2011 Learning Lab Alumni
- 2. OPTIONAL: Knight-Mozilla final group check-in
- 3. Crush it! Last-minute tips for your final project
- 4. Final assignment: Software product proposal
- 5. OPTIONAL: Participate in a group pitch/feedback session (August 1 to 5)
- 6. Lecture No. 10 Evan Hansen, Editor In Chief of Wired.com
- 7. Lecture No. 9 with Oliver Reichenstein
- 8. Week three (July 25 to 29): blog assignment
- 9. Final project description
- 10. Lecture No. 8 with Mohamed Nanabhay
- 11. OPTIONAL: Join #WJchat at 5 PM PT today, Wed, July 27th
- 12. Lecture No. 7 with Shazna Nessa
- 13. Week two (July 18-22): blog assignment
- 14. Lecture No. 6 with Jesse James Garrett
- 15. Lecture No. 5 with John Resig
- 16. Lecture No. 4 with Chris Heilmann
- 17. Week one (July 11-15): blog assignment
- 18. Introduce yourself
- 19. Lecture No. 3 with Amanda Cox
- 20. Weekly blog assignment
- 21. Lecture No. 2 with Burt Herman
- 22. Lecture No. 1 with Aza Raskin.
- 23. OPTIONAL: Get together with someone from your city
- 24. Lecture No. 11 (Final lecture) w/ Jeff Jarvis, author of 'What Would Google Do?'
2011 Learning Lab Alumni
Keep in touch! Post updates and announcements here.