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Full Description [Aug. 12, 2011, 9:54 a.m.]

Full Course

Using Web 2.0 and Social Media to Encourage Deeper Learning





·      Will insert short video trailer for course.



·      Anna Batchelder, Co-Founder, Bon Education

·      Chris Batchelder, Co-Founder, Bon Education


Course Description

This course is for K-12 teachers and administrators that wish to utilize web 2.0 and social media tools to promote student core content knowledge, critical thinking, collaboration skills, communication, self-directed learning and global outlook.


Course discussions and activities will encourage participants to develop their own ideas and methodologies about how to teach and lead effectively using the web. Participants will have several opportunities to use web2.0/social media with their students/faculty, to reflect deeply on their web teaching practices and to share knowledge and ideas with their course peers. Building on what they’ve learned throughout the course, participants will co-author (as a class) a Using Web 2.0 and Social Media to Encourage Deeper Learning online kit that will be shared (open licensed) with schools around the world.


This is an intermediate course for participants that are already comfortable and familiar with how to use applications like Facebook, blogs, and Twitter for personal and/or professional use. Therefore, it is assumed that participants can easily set up online accounts, blog posts, etc. We will focus more on how to use these tools from a teaching, learning and leading perspective and less about the features and functions of the tools themselves.


Learning Objectives

·      Participants will:

o   Define what it means to learn deeply via web2.0/social media.

o   Explore case studies of schools around that are using web 2.0/social media to encourage deeper learning.

o   Utilize web 2.0/social media applications with their students/faculty to explore different methodologies of promoting deeper learning.

o   Co-author and publish a Using Web 2.0 and Social Media to Encourage Deeper Learning online kit that will be shared with schools around the world.


Guiding Questions

·      What is deeper learning?

·      What does it mean learn deeply with web 2.0/social media?

·      What teaching methodologies and processes promote deeper learning via web 2.0/social media applications?



·      This course is for K-12 teachers/administrators that are already using the web with their students (either a blog, social network, Blackboard site, Facebook and/or Twitter) and/or for participants that are web savvy and excited to start using web 2.0/social media applications with their students/faculty. Participants should be comfortable using email, signing into online social networking applications, and exchanging dialog online.



·      Course will run for 6 weeks (September 26, 2011 – November 4, 2011).

·      Course will be conducted asynchronously with a few small group synchronous sessions.

·      Participants should plan to spend about 3 hours per week on course tasks, discussions, etc.