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Week 2 - Practical Task (Oct 10-16, 2011) [Oct. 10, 2011, 5:09 a.m.]

This week you will modify, enhance or create a lesson plan or project that you will teach during Week 3 of this course. The goal of this task is to incorporate what you have learned about deeper learning and social media into your teaching practice. We dare you to be creative, to try something new and to take risks. We will all learn from each others’ successes and failures.

Here’s an example of what we are talking about.

Educator Jesse Mercer has created a simulation that teaches pre-algebra through the use of the online game the SIMS. Of course, SIMS might not be available to you, so you will have to make the most of the resources at hand! Click here to view Jesse's unit plan on Curriki! 

Need more inspiration? Check out this list of 100 Ways to use Social Media in the Classroom. (Oh yes!  100... you can count them!) 

As you plan your lesson, think about the following criteria.

1) To what extent does my lesson promote...?

  1. core content knowledge
  2. critical thinking
  3. complex problem solving
  4. working in collaboration
  5. effective communication
  6. learning how to learn
  7. global perspective


2) How will I effectively incorporate web 2.0 / social media tools into this lesson or project? Which of Jenkin’s “New Media Literacy Skills” are being used? (If you need a refresher on these skills click here.)

  1. Play
  2. Performance
  3. Simulation
  4. Appropriation
  5. Distributed Cognition
  6. Collective Intelligence
  7. Judgment
  8. Transmedia Navigation
  9. Networking