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The Transition

Some of us are involved in transition movements that are at more advanced stages than others. It would be really great to see pictures, hear about projects, pitfall and areas to focus on for those of us in towns that are still in their transition infancy. Please share any details that you can. Really! anything could be useful, there is no way to know till you tell us 

Task Discussion

  • Paul   Nov. 25, 2012, 5:02 p.m.

    Hi Guys, I spent the day today at Galways brand spanking new transition garden. The project here is in its infancy and the new garden site is at a primary school. Although there are 200 members for the transition group there are usually just a handful of people turning up at the garden. A lot of that seems to be to do with inexperience in pr and ways to connect with the local community and also some people want it to be more advanced before reaching out. But fresh from our Spain adventrues I would like that to happen as soon as possible.  I would really love for some ideas on the garden design, reaching out to the community, educational workshops...anything anything anything anything that you have done in your local transition projects and that worked and the stuff that you did that didn't work.