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Lecture No. 6 with Jesse James Garrett

Please join us Friday for the sixth lecture of the #MozNewsLab.

Details on how to join the live lecture can be found in the e-mail that will be sent to you Friday morning. If you do not receive the e-mail, please direct message Phillip ( ) or Alex ( )

Lecture No. 6 details:

When: Friday, July 22 2011 at (today!) at 9:00 AM PT / 12:00 PM ET / 5:00 PM BST / 6:00 PM CEST

Please double-check the time in your local timezone:


+ Speaker: We're really excited to have the person that literally 'wrote the book' on user experience: Jesse James Garrett. In 2002, Jesse wrote the book The Elements of User Experience ( ) -- it is a seminal work on user-centered design. 
Wikipedia says "Jesse James Garrett is a user experience designer. In a 2005 paper, Garrett coined the term Ajax to describe the technology behind emerging services likeGoogle Maps and Google Suggest, as well as the resulting user experience which made it possible to eliminate reloading the whole page."  (
More than that, Jesse co-founded the pioneering user experience firm, Adaptive Path ( ). Adaptive Path recently won a Knight News Challenge grant for their project to re-conceive the relationship between citizens and media organizations, iWitness ( ).
+ Topic: Jesse is going to share his conceptual model of user-centered design -- literally, how to think about keeping users at the center of your software products -- a topic that is near-and-dear to Mozilla, and is exemplifed in products like Firefox.

A quick note on attendance: Today's lecture is an optional lecture and we will not be taking attendance. That said, we'll be really happy to see you there, as will Jesse.

Link to recorded event:

Task Discussion

  • Julien Dorra   July 23, 2011, 5:25 p.m.
    Just a note : coming from the perspective of having helped launch a startup accelerator in Paris, I wanted to address a common misunderstanding about what MVP really is about.
    Minimal Viable Product is *not* about minimal features set, or even UX design at all. 
    It's the minimal product that will allow you to learn about product/market fit. Said in another way, to learn if users/clients are at all interested, and are willing to make an investement (time, money) in your product.
    It can be a landing page with a signup form.
    It can be a couple of screenshots of the (not builded but shhh...) app that you present to potential clients.
    Not every prototype is an MVP (because not every prototype is build to learn about product/market fit). Not every MVP is a simple product or a prototype.
    If you want to learn more about MVP, lean startup and market development, check by Eric Ries
    and also by Steve Blank.
  • Miguel Angel García Ramírez   July 23, 2011, 11:59 a.m.


    Is there a link for the recorded event?

    I'd really appreciate it

  • Jacob Caggiano   July 23, 2011, 3:38 p.m.
    In Reply To:   Miguel Angel García Ramírez   July 23, 2011, 11:59 a.m.

    Hi Miguel, it's up now in the task assignment as well as the etherpad:

  • Katie Zhu   July 22, 2011, 12:25 p.m.

    I'm still stuck on the Flash player dialog (even after trying the workaround of changing Flash Player settings). I can still listen to the lecture, but does anyone have any ideas for fixing this? Thanks!

  • Alex Samur   July 22, 2011, 12:49 p.m.
    In Reply To:   Katie Zhu   July 22, 2011, 12:25 p.m.

    Thanks Katie, I'll check in with Fred about this...