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Week 2: Curation and Learning [July 8, 2012, 12:20 p.m.]

Curation, it might be argued, has always been an essential practice as a means to stay informed. In today's Internet-powered age, curation is proving to be an essential literacy skill. This week, we'll be focusing on curation tools and strategies as they relate to learning and our work as educators.

(This week's conversation is being facilitated by Liz and Joe.) Please respond to one or more of the following questions (and to each other) in the discussion below:

  • What are the essential skills needed to be an effective curator of your own learning and how can I go about growing these skills?
  • What practical curation strategies have people used to manage the abundance of information available on the web?
  • What curation tools would you recommend? (There is a place below to collaboratively build a list. Just click Edit at the top of this page to add to it.)
  • What curation tools support my efforts to curate resources for my work? For my students?
  • How do traditional efforts at curation, as in a museum, inform the work of educators working in digital environments?
  • What kind of obligations do parents/teachers have to help young people begin to curate and create a digital identity?

Curation Tools (include a link, a brief description, and why you like it.)

  • Storyify - allows you to bring in tagged content from Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Flickr, web sites, etc. to build embeddable stories; Good because it lets you hand choose (curate) what you include, unlike some other services which work only on tags