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Connect and collaborate [March 8, 2013, 10:57 a.m.]

Working with others

dScribe is fundamentally about the opportunity to collaborate with others to create open content. Perhaps you’re a group of students creating a project and want to ensure that others can take your work and adapt it. Or, maybe you’re a faculty member looking for students and staff to work with you as you strive to open your research and teaching material to a broader audience. Whether you’re a team of two or a group of eight, the first step in the dScribe process is to connect with others interested in working together.


Deciding on a process

As you confirm who you will work with, you'll begin to formulate thoughts around how you want to collaborate to create and publish OER. A few things to think about are how you'll communicate, what tools you'll use to build content, and how open you'll be about sharing your process with others. You have a couple of approaches you can take:

  • DIY and simply have fun exploring the process of creating open content.

  • Use an existing process (either model your work after something or join a group already creating OER -- post a comment in the discussion to see if someone has a few tips).

The University of Michigan developed a particular way to collaborate between staff, students, and faculty. Below is an illustration of the process -- just an idea to get you thinking of how you can work with others.

dScribe process at University of Michigan


* Tool tips

There are nearly three and a half bazillion collaboration tools and open communities for you to sink your teeth into. Here are some of our favorites (post your own favs in the discussion):

Collab tools

Communities (aka, Peoples)

What do you know?

Do you have experience with any of these tools or communities? Do you have questions about these tools or communities? Let's chat about them in the Discussion.