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Edit the resources [Oct. 9, 2012, 3:28 p.m.]

After the material has been vetted and all potential copyright and privacy issues have been addressed, you then begin to edit the material. If you used OERca to keep track of your metadata and changes, you will receive an aggregated summary of auto-generated citations (including author, url’s, license information, etc.) for each of the content objects (images, etc) within the resources you've uploaded to OERca.

The second part to "Teach Someone Something with Open Content" course goes into depth on editing materials and preparing them for use.

DEEP DIVE on attribution practices

<create challenge>

If you've retained some content that was ineligible for copyright or you're making a fair use, think about tagging that content. It's nice to let others, especially international users, know what decisions you've made about your use of content.

[Here's] a preformatted license and disclaimer page, a citation key, a title page, and an additional source information page that you can insert into your resources to give a consistent look and feel to your resources. If using OERca, it auto-populates your presentations and documents with these pages, which you can edit and tailor to your specific license, etc.

While we've built some neat tools to assist in the process of clearing and editing, there are certainly formatting changes you'll have to make in order to give all your resources a consistent look and feel.

- DEEP DIVE: license compatibility

- <create challenge>